Example sentences of "[verb] not [verb] [adv] from the " in BNC.

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1 But despite being subject to the second wave of pan-European reform in psychiatry since the 1940s , France has not moved away from the asylums with any speed .
2 And although attendance during the rainy season was poor , the company 's projection of 11m visitors for the first year has not proved far from the mark .
3 So far this argument has not departed far from the ‘ radical social control ’ position outlined above .
4 Etam sales , up 32 per cent to £84.3m on an increase in trading space of 29 per cent , appeared to benefit from the hot summer weather and its low-priced fashion for younger women seemed not to suffer greatly from the effects of higher mortgages .
5 He took a step towards her , and it was all she could do not to back away from the menacing look on his face .
6 At a conference in Munich , Germany , on Nov. 18-20 ministers from the 13 member countries of the European Space Agency ( ESA ) decided not to move on from the research to the development phase of the key Hermes spacecraft and the Columbus space laboratory projects .
7 This young Samoyed will grow up much quicker than his companion , and must be trained not to jump up from the outset .
8 The values of f' and f were refined in the program and did not change significantly from the starting values .
9 Not only did they lack skills but they did not adapt readily from the rhythm of agricultural life with its long periods of inactivity and frequent holidays , to the demands of modern industry .
10 Communications did not improve away from the grass roots .
11 He used almost völkisch language , claiming that the Romanians ( unlike the Hungarian , German and other minorities ) were ‘ autochthonous ’ : ‘ They did not come from elsewhere , they did not fall down from the sky ; they were born and lived here , in this land , and they defended it with their blood . ’
12 I continued to work in the bank and to give lessons , and did not venture far from the village on my bicycle except on the bank 's business .
13 This is what I mean by protection — we did not run away from the terrible topic : the use of projection allowed us to face cancer .
14 A test showed that the frequencies of the three possible types of transition did not differ significantly from the values expected if the identity of a cone were independent of the identity of its neighbours and reflected only the absolute probability of that cone type ( ) .
15 The study sample did not differ significantly from the totality of new referrals in terms of age distribution , sex ratio , or referring agency , apart from having a lower proportion of referrals from old peoples ' homes ( 8/100 v 10/378 ; χ 2 =4.87 ; p<0.05 ) .
16 The mean ( SEM ) age of the control group was 64.7 ( 2.2 ) years ( men 61.2 ( 3.4 ) years , women : 65.8 ( 3.2 ) years ) , which did not differ significantly from the coleractal cancer group .
17 The profile of the sphincter after operation did not differ significantly from the profile before operation in either group of patients .
18 Also , the sphincter pressure profile before operation in patients over 50 did not differ significantly from the profile before operation in patients under 50 : nor did the pressure profiles of the two groups after operation differ significantly .
19 The thresholds for sensation in the upper , mid , and lower anal canal after operation did not differ significantly from the thresholds for sensation at these sites before operation as determined by mucosal electrosensitivity .
20 Twelve patients took NSAIDs regularly : the proportion with healed ulcers at two weeks ( four of 12 ) , four weeks ( seven of 12 ) , and eight weeks ( 10 of 12 ) did not differ significantly from the proportion of intermittent NSAID takers with healed ulcers at two ( 42 of 102 ; p=0.76 v regular intake ) , four ( 67 of 102 ; p=0.75 ) , and eight ( 93 of 102 ; p=0.33 ) weeks .
21 Walker ( 1975 ) has noted that mature students who did not satisfy the GER obtained significantly better degree results than all students while mature students who satisfied the GER did not differ significantly from the norm , and in seeking an explanation for this he points to the fact that those who did not satisfy the GER are on average somewhat older and can be seen as genuine returners , rather than students who have taken longer to meet the traditional qualifications .
22 Their mucosal IgG subclass pattern , however , did not differ consistently from the other Crohn 's disease twins .
23 In Crohn 's disease the frequency of IgG anti-α antigen and anti-myeloperoxidase antibodies did not differ statistically from the control group , although in a few instances the antibody levels were surprisingly high .
24 Her sister did not look up from the list of figures .
25 Wycliffe did not look up from the statements and for some time Sara gave no sign that she had heard ; then she said : ‘ I 've been very stupid .
26 The rioters , who held the streets of London for three days after Wilkes ' election , although they did not come exclusively from the working classes , were still overwhelmingly so composed .
27 Use any area of lift but do not drift away from the chosen field .
28 The essence of diffusionism is that where you find the same or similar techniques you propose the existence of some form of cultural connection or ‘ borrowing ’ , especially when , in the case of material objects , the similarities do not stem automatically from the raw materials used , and where they are reinforced by large numbers of parallel instances .
29 It is important that we do not get away from the fact that , when any charge is laid , there must be evidence that will hold up for convicting somebody of that charge .
30 Words of praise for Turkey 's president do not come easily from the guerrilla warriors of the Kurdish Workers ' Party ( PKK ) .
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