Example sentences of "[verb] at the [det] [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 How often do you meet and how many people there , you 're showing interest but you 're also qualifying at the same time and it 's not padding , it 's actually useful information because you 're thinking well that 's worth pursuing the R N I , yes but there 's money there .
2 This shows the present-value profiles for two bonds A and B , trading at the same price and yield to maturity , and having the same duration .
3 At this price it has come under increasing pressure from the Commodore Amiga , which starts at the same price and attracts similar discounts .
4 Perhaps the second fragment had become detached at the same time and simply fallen to the ground where she had picked it up .
5 In control tests , vehicle ( saline ) was infused at the same volume and in the same manner as in tests with bFGF .
6 When the houses were built at the same time and
7 mass forms of musical practice which are based on the musical activity of many people interacting at the same time and in the same way — forms which structure bodily movements and processes , and which enable bodily experience to become an aesthetically mediated pleasure ( ibid : 228 ) .
8 ( 2 ) The loans must be to defray expenditure incurred in acquiring ordinary share capital of a close company complying with s13A(2) as described above , or in lending to such a close company where the money loaned is used wholly and exclusively for the purpose of its business or the business of any of its associated companies provided the latter are also close companies satisfying the conditions of s13A(2). ( 3 ) When interest is paid on the manager 's loan , Newco must continue to comply with s13A(2) — this means it must continue to satisfy the relevant purpose test rather than that it should continue to remain a close company ; in the case of a purchase of shares in Target , the reason why Newco should be close after the institutions commit to invest is to ensure that institutions and management can invest at the same time and that , at that time , Newco is both close and satisfies the relevant purpose test , ie already controls Target ; management can not commit Newco to acquiring Target until the institutions have committed to funding Newco , and once they have so committed the institutions are likely to control Newco under s416 , so a structure is needed whereby management also controls Newco at this point .
9 The die study has become one of the most important tools used by the numismatist because it provides a physical link between two separate objects and thereby provides evidence that they were made at the same place and time .
10 Of course , it would be much too simple if die links always proved that two objects were made at the same place and time .
11 However , if all members of a group went swimming at the same time and left valuables unattended , that would be an unnecessary risk where no real precautions had been taken and would be a breach of the duty of care .
12 Looking at the evidence leads many scientists to believe that God made the world , whereas other scientists look at the same evidence and believe that it all happened by chance and that the world , the solar system , you and me are all just the result of a lucky string of enormous flukes !
13 The unusual nature of these counter-examples indicates that they are indeed the exceptions which prove the rule , and it is normally reasonable to assume that coins made from the same die were produced at the same time and place .
14 Syl and Robert arrived at the same time and my mother poured them drinks .
15 A male , therefore , feeding at the same rate and converting energy into gametes at the same rate as a female , can produce gametes at a much higher rate .
16 This idea has long since fallen out of favour ; it is much more likely that the two components of a pair were born at the same time and in the same region of space , from the same cloud of dust and gas .
17 We 're staying at the same hotel and sharing the same table , you see .
18 Far off , at St Ignatius Loyola College in County Galway , a similar commemoration had been timed to start at the same moment and also to end at ten minutes past nine .
19 Examples included too many groups of activities running at the same time and an emphasis on individual work which could not be sustained in sufficient depth for all the children in the class .
20 and we were geared more to progress in the education system where the industrial change in the other countries did n't happen at the same time and that they needed now a younger ag a younger age group to keep the , the industrial system going
21 How awfully dull it would be if all our teachers approached a class in exactly the same way , with exactly the same movements , all executed at the same pace and with expectations of the same rigid standard of achievement .
22 Weigh at the same time and under the same conditions each day .
23 But when Ronald Reagan came to Washington a year later , another government department , the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) , looked at the same evidence and decided not to limit most other , potentially higher human exposures to the chemical .
24 The train whistle blew at the same moment and her scream was drowned in it .
25 Several other firms emerged at the same time and by the same process , such as Lamalie Associates in 1967 from Booz , Allen & Hamilton , and Ward Howell and Canny Bowen , in 1951 and 1954 respectively , from McKinsey .
26 Not that it was much of a one then : discovery would have meant at the most punishment and a diatribe against immigrants generally , with the chief worry , what contagion she might have picked up .
27 We all worked and lived at the same place and it seemed pretty cool to me at the time , but it started to become more and more negative until it got to the point where I wanted to leave … and I realised that they would n't let me !
28 Intra-aortal 5HT , given at the same dose and route as had induced acceleration of ICJ transit , failed to significantly alter baseline absorption found during the ia infusion of saline ( Fig 3 ) .
29 The series and parallel arms of the ladder are dual , resonant , reactive networks , their impedances being ; To make the product independent of frequency requires under which condition Satisfaction of condition ( 9.47 ) causes the series and parallel arms to resonate at the same frequency and there is 100% transmission at that frequency .
30 So in other words they were just like any other sibling , just happens to be they were erm conceived at the same time and er developed in the womb together .
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