Example sentences of "[verb] at [art] [adv] [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The breaking point was located at a significantly lower pH in patients with gall stones than in controls ( pH 7.1 v pH 8.2 ) ( p<0.0001 ) .
2 In other areas where similar changes occurred at a slightly later date , the rise of mass material culture and retailing was the subject of some incisive commentary .
3 Only that portion of income above this figure is taxed at a marginally higher rate .
4 For inexperienced drivers and for infrequent drinkers the sharp increase occurs at a much lower level .
5 The fax is transmitted at a much faster rate thus saving on telephone bills .
6 are indeed looking at a much longer time-span .
7 Because of the uncertainty surrounding this important issue we undertook this study , looking at a much larger number of patients and measuring several indices of oesophageal function .
8 Evidence will now have to be prepared at a much earlier stage .
9 But , as every homebuyer knows , house prices have risen at a far greater rate .
10 Official monthly statistics , based upon those claiming social security benefits , suggest that women 's unemployment has at times risen at a much faster rate than men 's , although the absolute and percentage numbers for men remain higher .
11 The problem of the trade balance is caused by the fact that imports have risen at an even faster rate , a most unusual phenomenon during such a severe recession .
12 Infection commonly occurs in children and infants , and the clinical progression of the disease is similar to syphilis when it is seen in the sporadic form ; the late manifestations , however , tend to be seen at a much younger age .
13 Now for our purposes , the kind of thing we 're gon na do , is look at a much simpler breakdown of tourists .
14 I shall start by considering in section 4.3 some variables which are characteristic of Belfast English , but which seem to function at a somewhat higher level of generality than those that we have mentioned so far — as identity markers for the community as a whole rather than for internal differentiation within it .
15 The only certainty in today 's fast-moving home entertainment industry is that advances in product technology will occur at an even faster rate .
16 ) . Once inside the store , the retailer hopes , the customer will not only buy the product on offer , but also many other items , which are sold at a much higher profit .
17 Nonetheless , the farmers could have bought at a slightly higher price certified seed , which , being certified , was less likely to be suffering from the virus which affected the seed actually bought .
18 It can be seen that female unemployment accounted for between 25 and 32 per cent of total recorded unemployment during the period , though it was growing at a somewhat faster rate than male unemployment .
19 As planned , graduate numbers are growing at a much faster rate than undergraduate numbers ( 17 per cent since Michaelmas Term 1989 ) .
20 This is because good control is reached at a much lower ground speed .
21 Experimentation with heroin for interviewees in the hidden sector , then , began at a much earlier stage , after an average of six months of recreational drug use instead of 17 months .
22 But the development of the idea of a ‘ nation ’ and the formation of nation states in Europe began at a much earlier time , and in order to understand the vigour of later nationalist movements in Europe and elsewhere we need to look more closely at that historical process .
23 Daphne flitted from party to party while I walked at a slightly faster pace from lecture hall to lecture hall , our two paths rarely crossing .
24 Urban population figures have been rising at a much greater rate than rural .
25 Such a figure is based to some extent on notional accounting — an expert 's time per hour is , for example , assessed at a much higher rate than he or she is actually paid — but it indicates the profit margins which both houses need to maintain .
26 Results show that these patients recover at a much faster rate , that they are more optimistic , less ‘ self-pitying ’ and demand less time and attention from nursing staff than those who did not have the opportunity for anticipatory mourning .
27 Although programs such as PageMaker and Ventura continue to steal the headlines as being the driving force behind desktop publishing there is a whole raft of alternative products that operate at a much lower level .
28 As a result , changes have occurred in adoption procedures , and couples have to apply to adopt at a much younger age , and go through rigorous and lengthy assessment procedures .
29 Since the last World War people are travelling at a much younger age .
30 His computer was totally compatible with the machines of the brand leader IBM , but with the added advantage of being about half the price and running at a much faster speed .
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