Example sentences of "[verb] at [art] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He remembered the ancient and persistent belief that once any living creature has walked in the Black Fields of Sorcery and dined at the tables of the Lords of the Dark Ireland , he is for ever lost to the true Ireland .
2 When the stress at the ends or edges of the joint reaches the strength of dry casein therefore , cracks appear at the edges of the joint which immediately produce their own private local concentrations of stress , and so the cracks run through the middle of the joint , much as they would in glass .
3 When the labourers around Arundel rioted in 1549 , although their main grievances were economic , they also protested at the changes in the familiar rituals .
4 The go-ahead is expected to be given for camera surveillance equipment to be installed at the exits of the Cathedral multi-storey car park in Durham city centre in a bid to cut car crime .
5 Then the princess 's soldiers began to batter at the doors of the wooden fortress with their axes .
6 Nicholas Luard and the other members of the group were particularly concerned about the planting of conifers at Bara Ceirch farm as it stands at the headwaters of the Rivers Cothi and Towy , two of the finest salmon rivers in Wales .
7 Léonie peered at the pockmarks in the red surface .
8 Sybil and Melissa mounted what had once been an imposing flight of steps flanked by tall white pillars and peered at the labels alongside the row of bell-pushes in a corroding brass frame affixed to the wall beside the front door .
9 I peered at the photographs on the dressing table .
10 It snatched at the windows in the nearby houses and set them rattling in their frames ; it whooshed over the slates and plucked at the loose ones , prising them away and sending them spinning to the ground ; it scurried down through the garden gates , hoisted up handfuls of dead leaves and paper and kicked them scurrying down the pavement .
11 When microorganisms and additional nutrients are introduced , they are generally added at the edges of the plume , or at least up-gradient from the contaminant source .
12 Croatian President Franjo Tudjman made his name in the 1960s as a maverick historian who charged that only 30,000 people perished at the hands of the Ustashe fascists .
13 At least 2,000 died in Badajoz alone , most of them machine-gunned in the bullring ; thousands more perished at the hands of the Legionaries , the Moors or the right-wing militias in other towns and villages of Andalusia and Extremadura .
14 The signs of iron deficiency are a sore tongue , recurrent mouth ulcers , cracking at the corners of the mouth , flattening of the normal curve of the finger or thumb nails , and a pale complexion due to anaemia .
15 They include redness or greasiness at the side of the nose , cracking at the corners of the eyes , or at the corners of the mouth , a sore tongue , recurrent mouth ulcers , and cracking or peeling of the lips .
16 In this , the scene is divided into three sections both horizontally and vertically , and the idea is to line up the shot so that the main features are made to come at the intersections of the imaginary dividing lines .
17 TODAY looks at the odds in the most popular forms of gambling .
18 But I would make clear to Mr if he looks at the minutes of the budget review sub-committee , that the suggestion of the director of property services wastes his time fully exploring all options for the disposal of all or any part of the County Farms estate , for which he probably asks for a large amount of money , since it involves an enormous amount of wasted time , is not been agreed , it 's a non-delegated item , it was a recommendation of this committee which has not been moved at this committee , and it was a most unfortunate and woolly form of words .
19 The investigation looks at the determinants of the international location of research facilities , and at the impact of this on exports , outward investment , and economic growth .
20 Not content to stay with these positive outcomes , the study also looks at the experiences of the minority of residents who are unhappy with their accommodation and explores the problems behind this discontent .
21 ‘ It 's nothing you could put your finger on … nothing definite … little things … the way she looks at the photographs on the mantelpiece .
22 During the next four nights Schools Sports Editor PAUL O'BRIEN looks at the prospects for the Games and the individual sports involved .
23 Susan Squires looks at the prospects of the consumer credit industry
24 SUSAN NOWAK looks at the winners of the top three awards in the Editing for Industry competition
25 Caroline Harris looks at the facts in the wake of the Sanitary Protection Scandal .
26 This paper then looks at the characteristics of the people who spent some or all of their time in such homes and at the care they got from general practitioners , community nurses and hospitals .
27 In particular , the project looks at the implications of the manner in which rural and urban environments were changed as a result of large-scale overhead transmission ; at public reaction to the transformation of the ways in which homes were heated , lit and cleaned ; and at the response to the new forms of mass production facilitated by the use of electric power .
28 As the Cabinet prepares today to set out Britain 's energy strategy , Frank Frazer looks at the implications for the nuclear industry , sparked by efforts to save coal jobs All aglow for heat of the moment By a curious paradox , the nuclear lobby has a vested interest in ensuring maximum coal burn in UK power plant
29 And when one looks at the individuals within the Royal Family , they are so magnificently unaccountably and unpardonably boring .
30 The tears are thought to be caused by her pain as she looks at the sins of the world , and are meant to inspire the watchers to repent and to set an example to others .
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