Example sentences of "[verb] at [art] [adj] [noun] [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ None of us could be sure if we would have a job tomorrow ; the uncertainty was preventing us winning new business ; and we had looked at the various companies who were rumoured to be bidding for us and did n't like what we saw . ’
2 Providing loans without interest , the People 's Bank is a grassroots financial institution owned by the Government and targeted at the poorest Nigerians who live below the poverty line .
3 He sat and thought somberly about Kegan , keeping his chin tucked into his neck and his eyes on the toes of his outstretched feet , as people clutching clipboards bustled about , and men wearing earphones and pulling the attached wires behind them moved importantly from place to place and shouted at the invisible listeners who spoke to them through the earphones .
4 ‘ Sweetie , you are looking at an old moose who just ca n't figure out where he took the wrong trail and he 'll never get back up that hill again .
5 For the first time in her life she felt as if the veil had been stripped from her idol and she was looking at the real person who hid away inside a beautiful body , seeing her through the eyes of others who had no family love for her to colour what they saw .
6 These same people the , even when faced with the blatant facts of their mistakes , still hurl at the hapless retailer who unwittingly sold them the five 3″ goldfish that they tried to cram into a small glass bowl full of raw tapwater .
7 When Rachel was finally writing up her reports at the end of the morning , Nina suddenly called her and asked if she could come and look at a young man who had come in with a skin rash .
8 ‘ Yep , but she 's your girl , ’ said Charlie as he continued to stare at the long-haired blonde who pretended to ignore their attentions .
9 At least the up-to-date cost accountant has plenty of ammunition to fire at the chief executive who insists that accounting has little to do with strategy .
10 SIGNED AND ACKNOWLEDGED by the above-named MARIUS STEEN the Testator as and for his LAST WILL in the presence of us both present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses : William Bartlemas Keanophile Kevin O'Rourke Macreadophile
11 Pam sat up , her face flushed with happiness and an almost girlish embarrassment , and grinned at the two men who had just entered .
12 She stood up and grinned at the old man who owed her his life .
13 At that moment Timothy glanced at the two shepherds who had drawn back in consternation .
14 As the doors slid open he glanced at the middle-aged couple who got out but then stared straight ahead again .
15 Mobuto inhaled sharply and glanced at the massive bodyguard who was hovering in the background .
16 He moved slowly round the perimeter staring at the seven disciples who had so far survived the ungodly war .
17 Ellen , usually so quick with a scornful reply , just stood and stared at the elegant stranger who stopped one pace away from her , took her hand , then bowed above her fingers .
18 With a convulsive swallow , Virginia stared at the beautiful woman who had been Guy 's fiancée .
19 We scoff at the pretentious person who buys the Tatler to exhibit it on the coffee table , so why should we not view with less than admiration the newspaper which bribes its readers to buy it for reasons other than its content ?
20 AN OBJECT lesson for all those who bemoan the artistic indifference of government , last night 's Omnibus ( BBC 1 ) looked at a political leader who took the closest interest in art , a mediocre and embittered water-colourist who eventually turned to another medium — mass emotion and warfare .
21 Had the two friends discussed her in the way men probably did when they looked at a young woman who passed them in the street ?
22 Swinging round in surprise , she looked at the elderly man who had spoken .
23 Kirov looked at the young Lieutenant who stood framed in the portal , regarding him uncertainly .
24 She looked at the crumpled figure who was fighting for breath on the pillow , perspiration pouring down his anguished face .
25 There was no fire there , now , no sign of life , nor of the spirit that had once shrieked at the local folk who had emerged from the fortress demesne to loot and honour the dead : Four black-robed women and one man , robed in grey , a greybeard : he had understood the mythology of stone .
26 The fury of the critics was directed at the intellectual poet who wrote deliberately like a simpleton in the Lyrical Ballads and the Poems of 1807 .
27 Perhaps we should not be so ready to sneer at the Close Brethren who deny unbelievers access to their domestic table , when we often do not share our holy table with believers .
28 He winked at the other man who was watching Oliver sullenly .
29 She barely gazed at the other women who clustered round staring , washing forgotten in the excitement of this unexpected entertainment .
30 He gazed at the two Sub-prioresses who were staring fixedly at him .
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