Example sentences of "[verb] at [art] different [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This chapter looks at a different kind of self-access access by teachers to a camera .
2 The third looks at a different way of providing collective security , and centres on friendly societies bidding for the social security work the Government intends handing over to agencies , or hospitals opting for trust status within the NHS .
3 ‘ MEETING JESUS ’ by Leighton Ford contains 13 studies each of which looks at a different aspect of who Jesus is .
4 It asks how far the jobless attempt to maintain traditional roles , whether by legal or illegal means , and looks at the different sources of pressure and aid found in this village .
5 We have looked at the different types of land and seen roughly what could be done with them .
6 We 've looked at the different types of stress , what is happening to you when you 're stressed .
7 There will be pupils who need to work at a different pace from most of their classmates , and who require specialised equipment and materials in order to have access to the curriculum .
8 ‘ They all looked as though they 'd been written at a different time from the rest of the notes on the cards .
9 Although her much earlier work of semi-architectural constructions on a theatrical scale hinted at a different sort of audience participation , away from that of the story telling object , it has taken till now for her to challenge the viewer in an open way .
10 The most common source of any argument is that both sides are absolutely right but each is looking at a different part of the situation .
11 Before looking at the different propositions of the theory , it is necessary to describe briefly the two forms of government financial assistance : income tax rebates and supplementary benefit .
12 We both argued that the levels of er housing development in Craven , Harrogate and to a lesser extent perhaps Amblet Hambleton should not be constrained , so as to reduce erm the the steady trickle if I can describe it as that of migration from the West Yorkshire conurbation to those areas , in perhaps er l looking at the different proposal for the new settlement which might be located in the Leeds York corridor .
13 So really starting towards looking at the different nature of strategies the new one would have .
14 We visited the Legion 's museum the following day and wandered round looking at the different flags of the units which had fought all over the world for 150 years .
15 Over the last few months I 've been looking at the different types of files you 'll find on a PC — here 's a quick recap to refresh your memory .
16 We begin this chapter , accordingly , by looking at the different types of literary essay it is possible to write , considering first the variety of focus they give to their subject matter and the different modes of argument they adopt .
17 It arrives at a different time from the rest of the mail .
18 Now let's look at the different types of retail outlet .
19 First let's look at the different types of feelings we could experience .
20 Have a handout and we 'll look at the different types of stress
21 In the rest of this chapter we will look at the different types of weak syllable in more detail .
22 In Chapter 5 I propose to look at a different aspect of metalinguistic politics : the way in which grammarians and linguists have projected a male/ female dichotomy on to the languages of the world , and their attempts to use grammar as a tactical weapon in the battle of the sexes .
23 These teeth are also shorter and set at a different angle from the other teeth .
24 I accept Mr submissions on Autee that arrive at a different figure from him .
25 After traversing the package structure the packages to be updated at the different levels in the structure are identified .
26 If you want to make a different-sized tablecloth , your border will probably end at a different part of the plaid pattern .
27 Each of the poems looked at a different sort of love : that of parents and children , of friends , of lovers , of God … .
28 In this survey they looked at the different kinds of training and jobs undertaken by black people and found that they were likely to be doing worse jobs than white youth irrespective of their qualifications .
29 The story of the railways is intimately tied up with the wider saga of the industrialization of Europe , and it proceeded at a different rate in each country .
30 This idea that protect children , not tell them about what 's happening , I mean if anybody can protect them to that extent when even Neighbours is put at a different time on the television , you know , erm that somehow we make them warm and secure by not telling them , to me that is making them dependent and unable maybe to cope later on in their lives .
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