Example sentences of "[verb] at [art] [noun sg] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the fact that the explanation or defence could , if true , have been disclosed at the outset and despite the advantage which the defendant has gained by these tactics , no comment may be made to the jury to that effect .
2 She was working on the two o'clock to ten o'clock shift at the factory and on the Tuesday morning was up early to do some ironing , then she began to prepare the midday meal for herself and her mother and father , and Aunt Carrie who was visiting them .
3 The labour force is becoming more like the military with the use of a limited age range and the screening out of anyone with any kind of disability who might not be able to work at a pace and with the flexibility and precision which will maintain the return on the very large capital investment .
4 The way forward could only be through a measure of government intervention and inevitably it provoked at the time and in its later consequences , or lack of them , sharp controversy which did much to form the particular arguments reformers used to articulate their basic ideological assumptions .
5 Karen had to go back because that evening there was a Union meeting at the factory and after that , her meeting with Pete and the journalist from the New York Times .
6 Checks were made at every interval and at the close of play .
7 Through volunteer labour , donations , Habitat builds and renovates 8,000 homes a year , which are sold at no profit and with no interest mortgages .
8 Oh you 're daddy 's is all stained at the back and at the arm .
9 Detritus — Also sometimes known as mulm , this describes the mixture of tiny waste items that gathers at the bottom and in the filters of any tank set-up .
10 But suddenly it turned and galloped at the house and to my horror it leapt gigantically up and straight at me with bared teeth .
11 The governors have power to decide the school 's complement — that is , how many people should work at the school and at what level .
12 The research will describe the nature of a selection of the strategy and policy initiatives ; set out the empirical evidence used in building the strategy ; assess this against other evidence which might have been used at the time and against current practices ; use this and other evidence to evaluate the effects of policy ; and comment on the main successes and failures of the strategy .
13 Above this number the staff-student relationship , vital in medicine , deteriorates rapidly , with concomitant loss of quality of teaching at the bedside and in the laboratory .
14 Holding the cow 's tail he leaned on the hairy back and , empty-eyed , blew smoke from the pipe which like most farmers at a cleansing he had prudently lit at the outset And of course , since the going was heavy , it just would happen that the job took much longer than usual .
15 Every long service worker employed at the plant and within the division knew that union restrictive practices had lowered productivity to below the levels achieved on the continent .
16 She glanced at the dedication and at the cover .
17 The implication is that the Frankish foot soldier was skilled in all round weaponry , able to fight at a distance and at close quarters .
18 He never made an effort to look for a job , but would sit for hours , staring at the television and through it without seeing .
19 The most awkward of these are the manager 's expenses when travelling at the request and on behalf of the artist .
20 To book places on the many exciting seminars being run at the show and for further details of competitions and special offers call the Exhibition Hotline .
21 To book places on the many exciting seminars being run at the show and for further details of competitions and special offers call the Exhibition Hotline .
22 When writing the book Alain-Fournier drew on personal experience : at the age of nineteen he had fallen in love with a young woman he saw at the Lycée and with whom , though they exchanged only a few words , he felt a powerful affinity .
23 Each curricular area has a carefully planned programme of work designed to enable pupils to develop at a pace and at a level suited to their age and ability as we feel it is imperative that children experience success in whatever they do .
24 The famous acanthus scrolls decorating the Ara Pacis ( Altar of Augustan Peace ) were reproduced at every scale and in many media .
25 He says we have had problems with forged twenty pound notes being passed at the ground and at garages in the town and at kiosks .
26 They were exotic , impoverished days for Nicholson and , above all , big experiences for the boy from Neptune who had by now left the protective custody of his sister/mother and was sharing an apartment with one of a group of friends who he met at the time and with whom he remained close when he became well known .
27 We must be cautious , though , in making the assumption that such words as ‘ king ’ , ‘ prophet ’ or ‘ Messiah ’ still convey to us the meaning which they had at the time and in the world of Jesus .
28 At the edge of the marsh stood an old DANGER notice , leaning at an angle and with its warning almost rubbed out by the weather .
29 ‘ I feel nothing but disgust that these bombs should be planted at a time and in places where ordinary people are going to work . ’
30 They enter at the peak and like those who buy shares at their peak they suffer badly .
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