Example sentences of "[verb] by the same [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Bank of France pushed up its intervention rate by 0.75 per cent to 9.5 per cent and its five-to 10-day repurchase rate rose by the same amount to 10.25 per cent .
2 Only from roughly the middle of the tenth/sixteenth century-perhaps coincidentally with the building of two other medreses which were to form part of the altmisli class , namely that attached to the mosque built by Suleyman for his son , Sehzade Mehmed ( the Sehzade medrese , completed in 954/1547 ) , and that built by the same sultan for his father , Selim I , apparently around 955/1548 — can one discern in the biographical sources the existence of a class of medreses , comprising these and others , one rank higher than the Sahn and normally carrying a salary of 60 akce , teaching in one of which seems to have been a generally recognized prerequisite for the holding of the highest learned offices .
3 Maha Banat was accused of adultery with Ahmed Hussein al-Zahrani , a Saudi citizen , whom she claims she does not know , and who was sentenced by the same court to three months ' imprisonment and 100 lashes .
4 It is a recognised fact amongst seamen that no ship , even when built by the same yard to identical plans , ever behaves in the same way .
5 These cells are classified into about 210 ( according to taste ) different kinds , all built by the same set of genes but with different members of the set of genes turned on in different kinds of cells .
6 Two building societies and a bank have been robbed by the same man in less than three hours .
7 In contrast , peptides eluted by the same method from an HLA-B8 transfectant showed anchor residues at positions 3 and 5 ( ref. 54 ) .
8 Inter-rater reliability ranges from 86 per cent to 92 per cent and intra-rater reliability ( agreement for the analysis of errors from a single test made by the same tester on different occasions ) is 91 per cent .
9 They do not , like other fines , go into the public purse but into the pocket of victims who have already been compensated by the same jury for damage to their reputation .
10 Nature conservationists and farmers ( who both understand what does happen to abandoned land ) should know better , but in the past few years , seem to have become possessed by the same fear of some dark , prolific genie escaping from the bottle .
11 This contrasts with the YTM procedure ( shown in ( 5.10 ) ) , in which all cash flows are discounted by the same yield to maturity .
12 A prized garden which has been tended by the same family for sixty years has been wrecked by an out-of-control car .
13 The glorious colours of the Painted Desert are produced by the same sort of red and green " marls " as we Europeans have in our Keuper .
14 Figures published for this colony between 1948 and 1966 were usually less than 10 , and it seems likely that this site and Glynde are used by the same group of birds .
15 At this point , whilst we define separately the responsibility of inspection and advice we also recognise that in certain circumstances approved by the LEA and the Education Standards Commission inspection and advice could be offered by the same group of people . ’
16 If it is found that a particular form of therapy is effective for a group of individuals with a particular pattern of language difficulties , or for those who share a common aetiology ( that is , they have the same diagnosis ) , it may be that others with similar difficulties may be helped by the same form of therapy .
17 If the employer pays the salary but refuses the services of the worker and this refusal offends his/her personality ( e.g. , lowers his/her reputation amongst fellow workers , prevents his/her professional development etc. ) , the worker can claim that the employer be condemned to pay him/her compensation and/or to really employ him/her ; in the second case , the employer will also be condemned by the same judgement to a pecuniary sanction and to detention in case he does not employ the worker .
18 She stood staring after his lithe figure , gripped by the same sense of anguish and loss that she 'd felt in the Piazzale Roma .
19 Doubtless this wish was at bottom an ideological one , inspired by the same mania for dividing the world into masculine and feminine that is still at work today .
20 And he claimed an alleged member of the notorious Shankill butcher gang was also employed by the same company in Belfast .
21 At present , the woman must have been continuously employed by the same employer for two years .
22 One may truly get the sense of the Reeve 's Tale being played by the same company with the same costumes on the same stage as the Miller 's Tale : Absolon 's red hose for the " " halyday " " ( 3319 – 40 ) re-appear early on ( 3952 – 5 ) , and the daughter has the same grey eyes as the delicate Absolon ( 3317 , 3974 ) .
23 Many fields have a policy that groups of similar modules are assessed by the same weighting of examination to coursework .
24 In other words , research is bounded by the same sort of conditions which bear on appraisal , as discussed above .
25 Borrowing from overseas has been affected by the same set of factors .
26 And , secondly , she points to the importance to Dicey of the idea that all cases were judged by the same body of people , following a single body of rules .
27 Every item in the cabinets has been stolen , in the same burglaries that netted thousands of tools and pieces of garden equipment , and recovered by the same team of detectives .
28 Its appeal to the visitor lies in its indefinable atmosphere of a home cherished by the same family for over four centuries .
29 In 1951 , for example , the Boards had been asked by the Minister to cut their spending on rural electrification , and most did so ; the South Western Board , by contrast , pressed on and a few years later were praised by the same Minister for pursuing this uneconomic development .
30 The defeat comes just eight days after England lost by the same score to Norway in a vital World Cup qualifying match in Oslo .
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