Example sentences of "[verb] by [pers pn] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Several other writers were attracted by it in the 1960s and 1970s : Douglas Oliver , in The Harmless Building ( 1973 ) , for example ; Muriel Spark , at several stages in her fiction ; and Giles Gordon , who follows the second-person narrative of Michel Butor 's La Modification ( 1957 ) , making ‘ you ’ the protagonist of his Girl with red hair ( 1974 ) .
2 Appeal from a decision of Macnaghten J. on the further consideration of an action tried by him with a special jury .
3 Some cases , the easy ones , were solved by it like an intellectual puzzle .
4 Early in February 1726 Montrose instructed his commissioner in Scotland to organise his friends to support the plan of a reduction in emoluments for the collector , believing that this would discourage the new candidates and ensure Kirkton 's re-election , for the duke was determined ‘ to stand by him upon the above terms , I mean of a smaller sellary for the future ’ .
5 ‘ All moneys received by the receiver shall be applied by him in the following order of priority ; ( 1 ) In satisfaction of all costs charges and expenses of and incidental to the appointment of the receiver and the exercise of any of his powers and all outgoings paid by him and his remuneration .
6 As in the case of the banks , the assets of these institutions represent paper claims against money which has been lent by them to the public sector , to industry and to persons .
7 Governments would not be swayed , nor would ministers tremble , on receipt of elegantly crafted and crisply sarcastic Notes written by him on the antique encryption machine which could be seen in a corner of the office , slowly rusting away in the hot , salt air .
8 Palmer 's views were shared by the other Northern Residents who , early in his career as Lieutenant-Governor , were organized by him into an effective pressure group known as the Conference of Residents .
9 Despite some of the language problems he grew to know and like the black and white constables of the patrols to which he was attached ; and to be accepted by them as a trusted companion under fire .
10 Darlington argues persuasively that Marx believed the process of evolution to be by direct Lamarkian and not by indirect Darwinian , or selective means : that is to say , that the environment in which individuals found themselves operated directly upon them to adjust them to it and that the adjustments were transmitted by them to the next generation ; and not that , fortuitous mutations having occurred in the genetic package , they would when favourable equip the mutant for greater success in the given environment than the unmutated form could achieve .
11 It was certainly answered by me to the Select Committee , as the right hon. Gentleman , who attended the Committee , will know .
12 He was not in control of security and Ho Chi Minh ( as we may now begin to call him ) was suspected by them as a Japanese spy .
13 In the present case , the primary argument of the revenue has been that the repayment of sums paid by Woolwich was made by them on a voluntary basis , i.e. that the payment was repaid ex gratia .
14 In order for an exchange to become a recognised investment exchange , it must demonstrate to the SIB that , inter alia : ( a ) it has financial resources sufficient for the proper performance of its functions ; ( b ) that it has rules and practices which ensure that business conducted by means of its facilities is conducted in an orderly manner , affording proper protection to investors ; ( c ) it limits dealings on the exchange to investments in which there is a proper market ; ( d ) where relevant , issuers of investments dealt in on the exchange are required to comply with such obligations as will , so far as possible , afford to persons dealing in the investments proper information for determining their current value ; ( e ) it has its own arrangements for ensuring performance of transactions effected on the exchange or ensures their performance by means of services provided under clearing arrangements made by it with a recognised clearing house ; ( f ) it has ( or secures the provision on its behalf of ) satisfactory arrangements for recording the transaction effected on the exchange ; ( g ) it has adequate arrangements and resources for the effective monitoring and enforcement of compliance with its rules and any clearing arrangements made by it ; ( h ) it has effective arrangements for the investigation of complaints in respect of business transacted by means of its facilities ; and ( i ) it is able and willing to promote and maintain high standards of integrity and fair dealing in the carrying on of investment business and to co-operate by the sharing of information and otherwise with regulators .
15 The tactics adopted by me against the large boy was to be used in all future fights with taller opponents , with the same success .
16 The appellants sought injunctions restraining the respondents from buying or selling petrol other than that supplied by them at the two garages during the subsistence of the agreements and in respect of garage C during the period of the mortgage .
17 As a young man he had worked for GenSyn as a commodity slave , his time and talents bought by them on a fifteen-year contract .
18 Thus , McConaghy and his colleagues carried out a series of experiments on what they call ‘ allusive thinking ’ , a concept similar to overinclusive thinking and actually measured by them with a clinical , thought disorder test .
19 One of these , Jimmie , was used by him for a harmless demonstration of the electrocardiogram at the Royal Society and became the subject of a famous parliamentary reply to a question from the anti-vivisection lobby ( Hansard , 8 July 1909 ) .
20 Just stand by me for a little bit longer .
21 He appealed against the conviction on the section 16(1) offence on the ground , inter alia , that the assistant recorder was wrong in law in holding and in so directing the jury that services offered by him as a self-employed accountant were capable of amounting to services provided under an ‘ office or employment ’ within the meaning of section 16(2) ( c ) of the Act .
22 Though she had said she was too young for them she had been enraptured by them in a tiny jeweller 's in Pollensa but Fernando had hurried her away saying he would buy her the real thing one day .
23 Before the Appellate Committee Mr. Newman however relied on certain additional points which had apparently been raised by him before the Divisional Court , but which the court did not in the circumstances find it necessary to consider in its judgment .
24 If your employee has been employed by you for a continuous period of at least 26 weeks into the qualifying week , regardless of the number of hours worked , she is eligible for lower rate SMP .
25 If your employee was employed by you for a continuous period of at least two calendar years into the qualifying week and normally worked 16 hours or more a week , she is eligible for the higher rate of SMP .
26 Alternatively , if she has been employed by you for a continuous period of at least five calendar years into the qualifying week for 8 hours or more each week , then she is also eligible .
27 The existence of the requirement of standing indicates that the law 's primary concern is not , as such , to control government activity but rather to control it at the suit of persons affected by it in a particular way .
28 The grounds were that the work which the appellant offered to carry out when he presented himself to Mr. Burt and Mr. Hughes as a qualified accountant ( and the remuneration that he gained the opportunity to earn as a result ) were services to be provided by him as a self-employed fee-earning accountant , and therefore were to be provided neither under a contract of employment nor by virtue of his holding of an office within the meaning of section 16(2) ( c ) of the Theft Act 1968 .
29 Keld , like Thwaite , is a sleepy little place and will be forever remembered by me as the milkless village .
30 In his lecture ‘ Le Cubisme écartelé ’ given at the Section d'Or on 11 October and later added to Les Peintres Cubistes when the book was already in proof , Apollinaire divided Cubism into four categories , Orphism being the most advanced : ‘ It is the art of painting new harmonies out of elements borrowed not from visual reality but created entirely by the artist and endowed by him with a powerful presence .
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