Example sentences of "[verb] by [art] [det] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 A PUB landlord was attacked by a former customer he had barred days before , a court heard .
2 She approached by the same route she and Beador had taken the previous day .
3 The fund will be available on a claims-made basis to cover any loss suffered by a former shareholder who held shares during the period April 16 to December 1 1990 , and sold that stock at a loss as defined in the settlement agreement .
4 The [ draft ] FRS requires that the maturity of debt should be assessed according to the earliest date on which the lender could demand repayment , taking account of facilities granted by the same lender which may permit the refinancing of the debt .
5 I looked for my favourite character , only to find he had been replaced by the same bitch who has taken over Lloyd 's job .
6 Of course , these single-employer estates are not closed social fields : indeed , social networks extend outwards from the estates to include other colleagues employed by the same company who live elsewhere in Dunrossness , and perhaps also include a few Shetlanders perceived as having an equal social status .
7 Now they say he will be assessed by the same doctor who saw him last time , so I 'm very worried that he wo n't be sent to a secure unit as he should be
8 The persuasiveness of Berkeley 's argument about heat and pain depends on two things : ( i ) our readiness to distinguish between feeling heat and feeling hot , and ( ii ) our having the idea that if two things are called by the same name it must be because we suppose them to be like one another .
9 The whole interior was marked by the same fastidiousness she was applying to this task ; every surface neat and polished .
10 Scientists report that 150 dead or dying dolphins washed up on the shores of Italy and Sicily since June were infected by the same morbillivirus which accounted for those killed in 1990 [ see ED no .
11 Ferguson thought the Scottish striker might be forced to withdraw from the trip to Berne because he feared he had been afflicted by the same illness which has hit more than a dozen of the Old Trafford squad .
12 Symptoms developed four weeks after treatment for eczema had been started by the same hakim who had treated the first patient .
13 Mummies and Magic is organised and created by the same team which produced the Tutankhamun Exhibition in Dorchester , an exhibition which has received widespread acclaim .
14 ‘ Round about the same time a Panamanian registered cargo ship by the name of the Ramsland , chartered by the same gang who had organized the Valhalla , put into Boston harbour and was promptly seized by the United States Coast Guard .
15 The imprecise messages also suggested the bombs were planted by the same cell which targeted north London last week .
16 The $338m damages an Arizona jury awarded to Standard Chartered against Price Waterhouse in the US has been struck out , and a retrial ordered by the same judge who presided over the original trial .
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