Example sentences of "[verb] by [pron] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Appeal from a decision of Macnaghten J. on the further consideration of an action tried by him with a special jury .
2 I knew why , they had the queer sensation that they were being addressed by someone from a bygone age .
3 Despite some of the language problems he grew to know and like the black and white constables of the patrols to which he was attached ; and to be accepted by them as a trusted companion under fire .
4 He was not in control of security and Ho Chi Minh ( as we may now begin to call him ) was suspected by them as a Japanese spy .
5 In the present case , the primary argument of the revenue has been that the repayment of sums paid by Woolwich was made by them on a voluntary basis , i.e. that the payment was repaid ex gratia .
6 In order for an exchange to become a recognised investment exchange , it must demonstrate to the SIB that , inter alia : ( a ) it has financial resources sufficient for the proper performance of its functions ; ( b ) that it has rules and practices which ensure that business conducted by means of its facilities is conducted in an orderly manner , affording proper protection to investors ; ( c ) it limits dealings on the exchange to investments in which there is a proper market ; ( d ) where relevant , issuers of investments dealt in on the exchange are required to comply with such obligations as will , so far as possible , afford to persons dealing in the investments proper information for determining their current value ; ( e ) it has its own arrangements for ensuring performance of transactions effected on the exchange or ensures their performance by means of services provided under clearing arrangements made by it with a recognised clearing house ; ( f ) it has ( or secures the provision on its behalf of ) satisfactory arrangements for recording the transaction effected on the exchange ; ( g ) it has adequate arrangements and resources for the effective monitoring and enforcement of compliance with its rules and any clearing arrangements made by it ; ( h ) it has effective arrangements for the investigation of complaints in respect of business transacted by means of its facilities ; and ( i ) it is able and willing to promote and maintain high standards of integrity and fair dealing in the carrying on of investment business and to co-operate by the sharing of information and otherwise with regulators .
7 A tongue that left people in no doubt of their responsibilities but delivered in impeccable style , seen by everyone as a proper ‘ gent ’ .
8 At its most distinct , it includes work which could not physically be produced by a non-Disabled person ( for example , drawing as seen by someone with a specific visual impairment , or using muscle spasm to create a particular photographic quality ) .
9 As a young man he had worked for GenSyn as a commodity slave , his time and talents bought by them on a fifteen-year contract .
10 Thus , McConaghy and his colleagues carried out a series of experiments on what they call ‘ allusive thinking ’ , a concept similar to overinclusive thinking and actually measured by them with a clinical , thought disorder test .
11 One of these , Jimmie , was used by him for a harmless demonstration of the electrocardiogram at the Royal Society and became the subject of a famous parliamentary reply to a question from the anti-vivisection lobby ( Hansard , 8 July 1909 ) .
12 More than a dozen firms turn out look-alike Cobras , powered by anything from a reconditioned Ford Sierra engine to a massive Chevrolet V8 capable of over 130mph .
13 Just stand by me for a little bit longer .
14 He appealed against the conviction on the section 16(1) offence on the ground , inter alia , that the assistant recorder was wrong in law in holding and in so directing the jury that services offered by him as a self-employed accountant were capable of amounting to services provided under an ‘ office or employment ’ within the meaning of section 16(2) ( c ) of the Act .
15 Data files included punched cards ( as data files , not just for input ) ; the computer was dated , overloaded and likely to be replaced by one from a different manufacturer ; there was little real-time access to data ; management information was scarce ; there was little in the way of computerized records for Polytechnic students on non-modular courses , and that little was unintegrated with the modular system ; there were no benefits or access to data for offices besides the registry ; the file structures could no longer cope with the then size of the course ( 1,100 students ) ; and the data structures were arcane ( for example , over-zealous use of bit-packing ) .
16 Though she had said she was too young for them she had been enraptured by them in a tiny jeweller 's in Pollensa but Fernando had hurried her away saying he would buy her the real thing one day .
17 If your employee has been employed by you for a continuous period of at least 26 weeks into the qualifying week , regardless of the number of hours worked , she is eligible for lower rate SMP .
18 If your employee was employed by you for a continuous period of at least two calendar years into the qualifying week and normally worked 16 hours or more a week , she is eligible for the higher rate of SMP .
19 Alternatively , if she has been employed by you for a continuous period of at least five calendar years into the qualifying week for 8 hours or more each week , then she is also eligible .
20 The existence of the requirement of standing indicates that the law 's primary concern is not , as such , to control government activity but rather to control it at the suit of persons affected by it in a particular way .
21 The grounds were that the work which the appellant offered to carry out when he presented himself to Mr. Burt and Mr. Hughes as a qualified accountant ( and the remuneration that he gained the opportunity to earn as a result ) were services to be provided by him as a self-employed fee-earning accountant , and therefore were to be provided neither under a contract of employment nor by virtue of his holding of an office within the meaning of section 16(2) ( c ) of the Theft Act 1968 .
22 In his lecture ‘ Le Cubisme écartelé ’ given at the Section d'Or on 11 October and later added to Les Peintres Cubistes when the book was already in proof , Apollinaire divided Cubism into four categories , Orphism being the most advanced : ‘ It is the art of painting new harmonies out of elements borrowed not from visual reality but created entirely by the artist and endowed by him with a powerful presence .
23 Significantly , he adduced the work of the American poet Wallace Stevens at this point , a man torn between the profession of law and the poetic muse , whose view of lost faith and a ‘ disconnected ’ tradition imbued his poetry with a wistfulness and a challenge that was taken very seriously by Leonard and Layton ; or , perhaps , viewed by them as a satisfactory replacement .
24 In essence we 've been hit by something like a double whammy over the S S As .
25 Meat consumption had increased by something like a third between 1870 and 1890 , and working-class people had begun to eat fruit , which had previously been a luxury .
26 In speeches delivered by him during a four-day visit to Catalonia in January , he called for unity and solidarity ; yet , at the same time , he himself kept the in-fighting going by distancing himself from Serrano while cultivating Arrese .
27 As an adult in Panama I have stepped aside and contemplated the New World equivalent of the driver ants that I had feared as a child in Africa , flowing by me like a crackling river , and I can testify to the strangeness and wonder .
28 Nor can I remember any sense of restraint : the landscape belonged to me and I to it , and I was free to explore it and be nurtured by it in a subconscious Wordsworthian sort of way .
29 Emphasize the difficulty of saying anything at all with regard to religion which may not be received by someone in a misleading way .
30 The quantification of the amount they are entitled to retain must be carried out by the Chancery master and can not be referred by him to a taxing master .
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