Example sentences of "[verb] at an [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 DNA and protein were mixed at an approximate ratio of 2:1 .
2 Inflation was estimated to increase at an annual rate of 4.5 per cent for 1990 , according to the OECD World Economic Outlook .
3 This means that the extra payments received for overtime beyond the scheduled week are earned at an earlier stage in large firms .
4 I can tell him , however , that over the 1980s GDP per head in this country rose at an average rate of nearly 2 per cent .
5 Revised figures show that Britain 's GDP rose at an annual rate of 1.4% in the first quarter , up from the original estimate of 1.1% .
6 Prices rose at an annual rate of 4% last month , up from 3.8% in April and their quickest pace of increase since March last year .
7 In Keynesian economics , this increase in aggregate demand occurring at an initial state of full employment will simply raise prices : there will be no output response even in the short run .
8 The ozone layer is located at an average height of 12 kilometres above the earth 's surface an it screens us from 99% of the harmful ultra-violet radiation coming from the sun .
9 Two further introns were included in our comparisons : the second LSUrRNA intron from P.wickerhamii , which resembles Pw ri1 in sequence and secondary structure , and ri2 from Scenedesmus obliquus mitochondria , which is located at an identical position as ri2 from P.wickerhamii ( 21 ) .
10 I therefore set about devising a better mathematical treatment , which I described at an informal seminar in Oxford at the end of November 1973 .
11 Seconds later , they were installed at an umbrella-shaded table with the little boy sitting in state alongside .
12 To the massed spectators in the stands , flung in an instant from joyous acclaim of a Royal winner to horrified , dumbfounded silence , Devon Loch had seemed to leap at an imaginary obstacle before slithering to the ground and skidding along to a halt , the momentum throwing Francis up on to the horse 's neck .
13 One was to Adam Russell whom she arranged to meet at an Italian restaurant in Pimlico .
14 This enabled them once again to draw up a profile of those high-risk subjects who developed schizophrenia , which turned out to be similar to that reported at an earlier stage of the research .
15 ‘ This validation from the Prime Minister has come at an important time for the industry as it strives to get up off its knees , ’ said Keith Banbury , Chief Executive .
16 This was essentially a room for transacting business , though if Fournier 's picture is reliable , the Emperor seems to have sat at an inconvenient height at his desk in a small chair , covered in green plush , so low that once seated in it , writing must have been difficult .
17 To find it , simply follow a line from Beta through Epsilon ; Omega lies at an equal distance on the far side of Epsilon .
18 The significant point to emerge from Zeki 's work is that a perceptual phenomenon once believed to be the result of high level cognitive processing now turns out to have a single cell correlate at an early stage in the visual pathways .
19 About 1,700 people were watching the weekend display at an 11th-century castle at Pevensey , Sussex .
20 Alternative arrangements can be developed and their performances assessed , and areas of possible problems can be identified and alleviated at an early stage of the design .
21 A paper describing the inventory was presented at an international workshop in Prague .
22 I wander across to where ‘ young ’ Howard ( 58 ) is sitting slumped at an isolated table with his wife and Alan Watkins , their backs turned on the glittering throng .
23 Mr Saunders goes on to admit that broadcasters are not entirely blameless in this respect : ‘ More should no doubt have been done at an earlier stage in development of RDS to give the receiver manufacturing industry some guidelines setting out the minimum levels of RDS performance that should be achieved ’ .
24 So at least eight people with Down 's syndrome were disenfranchised at an early stage by their parents or their electoral registration authority .
25 The area of surgery has expanded at an incredible speed from virtually from nothing three years ago to taking over as much as fifty percent or even seventy five percent of general surgery .
26 It 's become unfashionable because the media is now looking at an alternative scapegoat for the problems the Conservative Party , that 's why it 's a reason and what is arising from the Labour leadership at the moment is purely an attempt to placate the media .
27 The beginner should be looking at an initial purchase of one sail to allow them to learn in light winds of up to force two .
28 When I write again in twelve months ’ time I shall be extremely disappointed if , world events permitting , we have not met our targets and are not looking at an improved set of results .
29 Not surprisingly , therefore , import penetration increased from the mid 1960s onwards and then moved at an alarming rate in the early 1970s .
30 In contract Mr does not count hours , but arrives at an overall figure of seven thousand five hundred pounds .
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