Example sentences of "[verb] at a [adj] [noun] by " in BNC.

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1 The research is covering six sectors of industry and will be supplemented at a later date by a series of case studies .
2 Already he has had offers from league and , although he has no interest in switching codes at the moment , the history of the game is littered with examples of guys who were caught at a low ebb by rugby league scouts and consequently signed .
3 I was carried at a smooth lope by Trigger , or sometimes Silver .
4 And I suppose he that 's an area where one is worried about quantity and quality because it 's in a way you can always provide more quantity I imagine at a lesser cost by going into a conurbation than you can by going into rural areas .
5 Finally , a good deal of inquiry is made at a local level by local authorities or local voluntary bodies attempting to assess a particular problem in the immediate area .
6 The European ( and Japanese ) unwillingness to accept this is shown at a theoretical level by their refusal to accept proposals which would have required revaluations , and in practice by their preparedness to pile up dollar reserves .
7 The body was to be dissected at a public lecture by Southwood Smith to be entitled ‘ The Structures and Functions of the Human Frame ’ , after which the skeleton was to be used as the armature of an image — an ‘ auto-icon ’ — of himself , to be attired in his own clothes and placed in University College .
8 The winds at lower altitudes have been measured at a few locations by landers as they descended through the atmosphere .
9 This means that there are a number of intermediaries between original producer and eventual buyer , as in the case of the box of foreign-made chocolates bought at a local retailer by a housewife .
10 This last was expressed in other words as willingness ‘ to see the ratio between profits and incomes preserved at a reasonable level by a tax which would become operative upon all industry when a certain figure was exceeded by profits as a whole ’ .
11 They said it meant the latter ; they said they were ‘ prepared to see the ratio between profits and incomes preserved at a reasonable level by a tax which would become operative upon all industry when a certain figure was exceeded by profits as a whole ’ .
12 The first of these is the objective risk of an accident , normally assessed at a societal level by considering accident statistics for different population groups or road locations .
13 The showdown will be hosted at a respectable distance by TV weathergirl Ulrika Jonsson and soccer ace John Fashanu .
14 Except he does n't hear those words precisely , he just has a feeling — the emotional impact of an unsteady self-image ; unsettled at a formative stage by ridicule and embarrassment .
15 While you should be offered the right to be accompanied at a disciplinary hearing by a fellow employee or ( if appropriate ) by a trade union representative , you might prefer your solicitor to be present .
16 The tall slim blonde woman in the navy tailored suit walked smartly from the office , followed at a slight distance by Emily Lightbody .
17 He seems to be moving towards dropping plans for a White Paper setting out various proposals , followed at a later stage by legislation .
18 The Security Council , meanwhile , gave its 14,000 peacekeepers in Croatia the right to use force if necessary to defend themselves and extended their mandate until 31 March so international mediators Cyrus Vance and Lord Owen would have time to arrive at a political settlement by then .
19 Israeli police have shot dead twenty one Arabs in Jerusalem , and injured one hundred others who were protesting at a planned march by hard line Jews .
20 We had to get through to the ministry that in informatics , you do n't have originals and copies , you just have the information issued at a certain time by the sender .
21 The result is a broad comedy directed at a fast lick by Murray on a marvellously cluttered set by Simon Higlett in a Manchester Royal Exchange production .
22 Finally , an extraordinary group of figures parading at a masked ball by Giovanni Antonio Guardi is estimated at £180,000–200,000 ( $275,000–306,000 ) .
23 Thus violence was sustained at a high level by American capitals ‘ first great offensive against labor ’ from the late-nineteenth century to the 1920s .
24 About to leave the room with the intention of driving immediately away , he checked at a slight sound by the open door to the outside and looked around .
25 Already the atmosphere is such that companies such as Chubb Insurance Company of Europe is advising client directors to make concerted efforts not only to be familiar with all aspects of their companies ' activities but to take prudent action at the boardroom table : right down to ensuring all documents are prepared ‘ with the expectation that they will be scrutinised at a later date by others who are looking for evidence of wrongdoings ’ , that detailed minutes are taken , and that they should vote against any proposal rather than abstain because abstention could be construed as approval .
26 The network of Training Enterprise Councils ( TEC ) has been set up to allow strategies for dealing with vocational training , employment needs , new enterprise and economic development to be handled at a local level by a single local body , which benefits from the practical experience and local knowledge of the employers and others who serve on its board .
27 Lower down the hierarchy and , apparently , quite independently of his seniors , the young William Armstrong ( who was to head the Treasury in the 1960s and the Civil Service in the 1970s ) was , as Brook 's private secretary , trying to make sense of the proliferation of committees , some of which had been inherited from the Coalition while others had been created at a considerable rate by the new government .
28 Having said that , it is also wise to opt for a greenhouse that can be extended at a later date by adding on another ‘ module ’ .
29 However , if the Revenue 's approach represents a new hardening of attitudes that will affect all small family companies , then this matter ought to be explored at a high level by the appropriate professional body or be taken through the courts by a consortium of practitioners .
30 I have taken advice about what would be involved in amending the Bill to allow for such a further education council to be established at a later date by a future Secretary of State if he so wished .
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