Example sentences of "[verb] at home [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Coventry , however , have not won at home in the League since mid-September and are without the suspended McGrath , Gynn taking over in midfield .
2 She was educated at home until the age of twelve , when she became a day-boarder at Strathallan House , London , until the age of sixteen .
3 The pension from his post also went to Jean , who was then living at home on the rue de Harlay and no doubt working with Martin in the instrument business ( document 5 ) .
4 Jean Baptiste , living at home on the rue de Seine , married Louise Marquin , daughter of Elizabeth Carré and the deceased Sieur Jean Marquin , ‘ Intendant de maison et affaires de Seine , who was also living on the rue de Seine .
5 Both tables show control sample clients doing better in home care : spending less time altogether in an institution , and being more likely to be living at home at the end of the two time periods .
6 Community psychiatric nurses provide a vital service to the elderly mentally infirm enabling them to carry on living at home through the provision of medication and support .
7 In general , users were treated on an out-patient basis , living at home in the community and visiting the clinic at intervals .
8 For example , if the seaming of stocking was not done at home by the wife , in 1811 a deduction of around 1s ( 5p ) was made from earnings of 13s ( 65p ) .
9 Does it rankle and jar or do we feel at home with the sound ?
10 GARTH Gibbs says Gazza will feel at home among the spaghetti scoffers in Italy .
11 Margaret agreed to be seen at home by the therapist initially for three sessions , to help her express her feelings of grief about the loss of her husband , and to explore ways of coping with her practical problems .
12 Helped at home with the spring cleaning ?
13 I know you should 've stayed at home till the beginning of this week .
14 It needs to be planted in full sun , which it gets at home on the mountain sides of Greece and the Levant .
15 Police are warning elderly people to be on their guard against a bogus council worker who has been calling at homes in the Forest of Dean .
16 The following categorical variables were used : father 's unemployment ( yes , no , or not known ) ; father 's social class ( non-manual , skilled manual , semiskilled and unskilled manual , and not known ) ; one parent in the household ( no , yes , not known ) ; mother 's age at child 's birth ( <20 , 20–23 , 24–27 , 28–31 , >32 , and not known ) ; mother 's education ( primary education , secondary education , further education , and university education ) ; number of children ( one , two , three , four , five or more , and not known ) ; maternal smoking in pregnancy ( no , yes , not known ) ; total number cigarettes smoked at home at the time of the survey ( 0 , 1–4 , 5–14 , 15–24 , 25 or more , and not known ) ; free school meals ( free , not free , not taken , not known if free , and not known ) ; overcrowding ( <1.25 people per room , >=1.25; people per room , not known ) ; maternal and paternal asthma ( no , yes , not known ) ; and study areas ( 27 areas for the respiratory illness analyses and 17 for the lung function analyses ) .
17 Well , no one was going to call them cheapskates even if it meant staying at home for the rest of the decade .
18 The inventive engineer , Daniel Doyce , rebuffed at home by the Circumlocution Office , accepts an invitation to go to St Petersburg and ‘ there had done very well indeed — never better ’ .
19 ‘ I really feel at home in the parish . ’
20 Er , I did n't have any idea er that I was going to start , obviously , er , but er , I first started at home in the backroom and had letters all over the floor .
21 Sometimes girls are there because they are very young or they are homeless , sometimes it is because their parents can not cope at home with the responsibility for them and a newborn baby , and in other cases a home takes in and assesses girls whose ability to look after their baby is in question .
22 If it 's a comfortable evening 's entertainment you 're after , stay at home with the video .
23 Appeased by the silence , Lydia went on : ‘ She looked at home in the graveyard .
24 And yet if you want properly to hear a Prom there is often little alternative but to stay at home with the radio transmission , so wretched are the acoustics in large areas of the Royal Albert Hall .
25 Meanwhile , canny Munroists who paid attention to satellite technology , which indicated a depression deeper than Christmas in Barlinnie , were sitting at home by the fire eating cheese on toast .
26 At first interview half the carers said they would prefer the sufferer to be in institutional care , and it was overwhelmingly from among these who wanted the sufferer to remain at home that those who did remain at home for the year were to be found .
27 name ; is a very respectable cook , so we make occasional trips to the supermarket and to the open market , and then eat at home in the evening , although we can also go out to a restaurant for a meal if we want , as someone has now kindly lent us a car .
28 Which is what we had at home in the manor ground , our squire was er
29 Anyway , if you always want to hear a piece of music played in a certain way , you might as well sit at home in the lounge and listen to your favourite , definitive CD recording .
30 Analysts point to the fact that far more beer is drunk at home on the Continent , which provides a more conducive atmosphere for low-alcohol products than a pub or bar .
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