Example sentences of "[verb] with it [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Driving through fog on the M25 , listening to yet another radio programme about the recession , it is difficult to imagine that there might be light at the end of the tunnel ; but spring is on its way , and I hope it will bring with it some sign of the long-promised upturn in the economy .
2 Few managers admit that boredom is a threat to the job but equally few would deny that being part of a pilot scheme or of being part of a trial run of new development can carry with it some air of excitement .
3 Obviously , recognition does not carry with it any guarantee of military protection .
4 Does the greater risk of brushing with the law among the poorer sections of society bring with it greater fear of the consequences ?
5 In practice this approach to user education still predominates , but in the UK in particular the scope of user education for schoolchildren has been expanded so significantly , bringing with it substantial implications for user education in other sectors , that the emphasis here must be on the description and discussion of this recent work .
6 Well I was sa I 'm saying that 's what I did with it last year for my birthday .
7 Once in a while , however , mud from the ridge above slipped down in a turbid cloud , carrying with it all kinds of small creatures and dumped them there .
8 Another variant is the shorthold tenancy , created by the Housing Act 1980 , whereby the lessor and lessee agree to a fixed-term letting of a period not less than one and not more than five years certain , carrying with it automatic security of tenure for the period agreed .
9 This contrast brings with it different theories of social action and how to study it .
10 From this secure position , it extends a long tube , its siphon , along the tunnel and into the open water to suck in a current that brings with it minute particles of food .
11 Digitisation brings with it exciting possibilities for the archival scholar .
12 Indeed , it shares with it some elements of decoration , e.g. a band of wavecrest pattern around the central roundel .
13 I wish only to make the point that I think it wrong that Opposition Members should seek to criticise my right hon. Friend the Member for Chingford , who has fairly raised a matter that carries with it considerable concern in all strata of society .
14 Marriage , I assume , carries with it some sort of carte blanche for endless promiscuity — and a dispensation from the Pope .
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