Example sentences of "[verb] you a [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Your colourful container pictures could win you a break in the Lakes , courtesy of the Buxton Mineral Water Company
2 I currently send you a copy of the list of weekly planning applications received by Edinburgh District Council .
3 We would ask that before we send you a copy of the detailed memorandum you return to [ person ] at this address , the attached confidentiality undertaking typed on your own letter heading .
4 It was suggested at the recent meeting of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council that I send you a copy of the objections made by the Parish Council to the siting of a communication mast on land off Higher Lane , Scorton .
5 With such thoughtfulness he will probably buy you a pint in the Rock at the end of the day ) .
6 Shall I buy you a skirt for the beginning of term ?
7 Stop sniggering , Reg , or I 'll give you a smack in the mouth . ’
8 You 've got an address , if you give that to the collators departments they can give you a name for the occupier can they ?
9 Ask her too for a free half-price voucher which will give you a day at the gym at The Sanctuary in Covent Garden , London for only £5 .
10 The following procedure will give you a rating of the readability of your writings .
11 Carrying a full size electrocardiogram ( ECG ) machine around with you would certainly push your heart rate up , but would probably give you a hernia at the same time .
12 Yeah , erm , I 've got erm , I missed out wings , cracked heels and mud fever there , then she put , I will give you a test over the weekend , your work is good , the work so far is good and make sure you understand it if there 's anything you do n't understand you just ask .
13 * If you have a book or article in your hands , check the contents page and preface or introduction : these will give you a sketch of the book 's scope and argument .
14 I 'll give you a tour of the house and show you your room …
15 Egypt 's ancient past is impressively recreated in the hotel 's interiors with its rooms adorned with original Egyptian paintings and ceramics , which will certainly give you a taste for the Egyptian Museum just across the road .
16 ‘ We 'll give you a lift to the boat , wo n't we , James ? ’
17 ‘ If you like , I 'll give you a lift to the nearest station . ’
18 They will give you a copy of the plan , which will then be updated regularly .
19 But we can give you a paragraph in the morning edition . ’
20 Your answer may give you a guide to the sort of clothes to wear for the interview .
21 they 'll give you a key to the P A cupboard .
22 I 'll give you a quickie round the face .
23 The chalets are kept for groups , but I can give you a room in the house . ’
24 I am delighted to commend this booklet to you which I hope will give you a flavour of the variety and interest available to solicitors in local government .
25 That 's not a bad idea from the point of view of the general public really , because that does give you a show to the sixty thousand odd people who are wandering around there .
26 They give They 'll tell you erm they 'll give you a list of the weights for C L.
27 That will give you a boost of the drug to start the day without the nasties . ’
28 Send the photograph frames by registered post to Hampton Utilities ( Birmingham ) Ltd , 15 Pitsford Street , Hockley , Birmingham B18 6LJ ( 021–554 1766 ) , explaining what needs to be done : the company will then give you a quotation for the work .
29 It will give you a break from the restrictions that have been placed upon you and will enable you to see how you get on on your own !
30 ‘ I 'll give you a hand with the packing .
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