Example sentences of "[verb] it out [conj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's certainly something we 're all gon na have too er adjust too , thank you for pointing it out that the United States is going to have such enormous influence er from , from now on , we 're all going to have to get used to it and er get used to how to deal with it .
2 However , the owners may win because they are more prepared to fight it out than the intruder ; when an owner beats a non-territorial intruder , he may win simply because he is stronger .
3 No , not some fanatical carp angler frightened of someone looking in his bait box , but carp that mouthed a bait and spat it out before the angler could strike — if he 'd seen the bite , that is .
4 he was n't playing peculiar and the teacher say said something about , he was reading it out and the kids said oh what 's his name then and she said he 's names Geoff and they were all going ooh Geoff and she said , he says I think she does it on purpose
5 A bit of discreet negotiating sorted it out and the area chairman led Mrs Thatcher over to have a word with the local press on her way to the Battlebus , as we called the campaign coach .
6 He is so frustrated by the dearth of buyers for his pub , which is partly sixteenth-century with a 26-seat restaurant , that he has declared he will take a buyer 's property in part-exchange and then rent it out until the market improves .
7 In fact the steam is a convenient way of heating the wood without drying it out and the mechanism is exactly the same as that used by hairdressers for curling hair .
8 She held it out and the shock of his touch was like fire all over again .
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