Example sentences of "[verb] it in the [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Once the door was shut , they could have had a dance band going full blast and you 'd never know it in the next room .
2 Staff wishing to avail themselves of this flexitime arrangement should discuss it in the first instance with their line manager .
3 No definition is spot on really , you can always find difficulties with it but they do sort of discuss it in the first paragraph .
4 It was 'ard enough gettin' it in the first place .
5 And then , when you find they say it in the fourth year , they mean it and you begin to look at yourself and realize what colour you are .
6 And then you find that when they say it in the fourth year , they mean it and you begin to realize .
7 Yes , his pulse does race , but mostly , he says , ‘ with admiration for the medieval masons and carpenters who built it in the first place ’ .
8 Yeah if you have to moan about that you should n't be driving it in the first place .
9 The joyrider that we interviewed , he was fairly upset and he wished that he 'd never done it in the first place .
10 It should be remembered that recovery is a process of improving perception and is not merely an intellectual process : if sufferers could fully see and understand what they were doing to themselves , they would not have done it in the first place .
11 they , they should of done , but they did n't , the point is they should n't of left it the last minute , they should of done it in the first place
12 Have you done it in the last sort of few weeks ?
13 We put it in the second bag , and that 's now four blue and three red .
14 As Mahmood , the secretary of the strike committee , put it in the tenth month of the strike : ‘ When the women first joined Grunwick they were just like ordinary women .
15 This is normally accompanied by the equally widespread concentration on the factual content or the basic manipulative skills in the material and the associated neglect of the higher-level objectives that were probably the author 's main motivation in developing it in the first place .
16 But , apart from the fact that there are some patients who , however straightforward their problem may seem , insist upon knowing what caused it in the first place , self-understanding is the key to the successful resolution of any emotional problem .
17 I was just going to mention the fact that if you have had breast cancer you can not go on H R T cos it was a hormone that caused it in the first place !
18 Efforts to strengthen and improve it in the last decades of the century had only moderate success .
19 Why do it now , why did n't she do it in the first place .
20 yeah , I 've seen it in the last day or two
21 Brussels had a river but buried it in the 19th century when it began to stink .
22 GUIL : But if he gave it to me there 's no reason why you should have had it in the first place , in which case I do n't see what all the fuss is about you not having it .
23 She spoke truthfully for the first time and said she had n't any more of it — which was a direct admission that she had had it in the first place .
24 well I suppose their motto is , she had a C D ten on her driving licence , I suppose she should n't of had it in the first place so if she had n't of had it , he would n't of got it !
25 This is the earliest known picture of the house , and shows it in the first half of the nineteenth century before the ground level at the front of the building was raised
26 The turnover may have to be greatly reduced in this situation until the young fish are large enough to withstand the water flow , so why employ it in the first place ?
27 And because this phrase has been much abused and misunderstood , it may be useful at this point to refer back to Erikson , to whom we owe it in the first place .
28 But remember it was your decision to buy it in the first place , nobody else 's , and if it 's you that 's wrong , or you that does n't suit the item , then you probably do n't have any entitlement to an exchange or a refund .
29 Mr Cinnamond said all the money was ploughed back into the club , except for what it took to pay back those who had put up the finance to buy it in the first place .
30 Sir Kenneth Newman , to whom the report was presented , candidly admitted he would not have commissioned it in the first place ( it was commissioned by his predecessor , Sir David McNee ) , while the official Police Federation magazine ( Police , December 1983 ) concluded in an editorial :
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