Example sentences of "[verb] it [adj] to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She guessed he found it intriguing to be able to talk about his consuming interest in the sport with a girl who not only knew what he was talking about , but could actually offer opinions that were interesting .
2 I actually found it I know me and you have discussed this earlier on and I , I , I did n't find it I found it confusing to be honest with you .
3 But again I found it difficult to be rude .
4 He followed his robots ( two children as robot nurses ) around , whispering instructions to them and occasionally taking over and doing the tasks for them as he found it difficult to be precise in his instructions .
5 Later , she found it natural to be active in her union .
6 Make friends with someone who finds it easy to be spontaneous .
7 In anthropomorphic terms , we should not ask why complex organisms have found it beneficial to be diploid , but why genes living in pairs should have found it beneficial to construct complex bodies to protect and replicate them .
8 And remember that some of us are ‘ larks ’ who find it easy to be bright and efficient early in the morning but need to go to bed relatively early at night .
9 We require the royal authority now , not when priests find it convenient to be present !
10 Gazans find it hard to be enthusiastic about the talks .
11 I just find it difficult to be interested in clothes or how I look .
12 Some might nonetheless think it justifiable to be fearful of the merely speculative dangers of a long-term reduction in the body 's oestrogen levels .
13 Vic 's easy manner made it difficult to be annoyed for long .
14 Somehow he thinks it remote from morality to face the facts ; somehow he thinks it possible to be good without being wise .
15 Chris always thinks it wise to be polite to Tommy .
16 ‘ I 'll be in touch , ’ he said loudly before he left , and Alyssia shook her head in frustration , finding it difficult to be angry , even though he had blackened her yet more in Piers 's eyes .
17 She was half laughing now , finding it hard to be annoyed at what he was saying .
18 This was certainly not necessary for the decision of the case ; but though the resolution of the Court of Common Pleas was only a dictum , it seems to me clear that Lord Coke deliberately adopted the dictum , and the great weight of his authority makes it necessary to be cautious before saying that what he deliberately adopted as law was a mistake , and though I can not find that in any subsequent case this dictum has been made the ground of the decision , except in Fitch v. Sutton ( 1804 ) 5 East 230 , as to which I shall make some remarks later , and in Down v. Hatcher ( 1839 ) 10 Ad. & El .
19 Another noted that ‘ the very expression ‘ green belt ’ sounds like something an ordinary man may find it worthwhile to be interested in who may find no appeal whatever in ‘ the distribution of industrial population ’ or ‘ decentralisation ’ …
20 Although the US , or at least the State Department , ‘ frankly [ had ] no solution of problem to suggest ’ it was obvious that the US was at this stage hoping for a negotiated settlement , a settlement in which their further hope was that France would find it possible to be more than generous .
21 If you are someone who would find it helpful to be able to read and study more quickly , here are some tips to help you :
22 She must find it galling to be confused , as she often is , with Dian Fossey , the American disciple of Louis Leakey who studied gorillas in Rwanda ; her life and murder — probably by poachers — became the subject of a Hollywood film .
23 I realise that there are many young Asian women living in Britain today who might find it difficult to be different from their friends at school .
24 The problems with the two methods are different so we will go through each in turn — in fact you may well find it convenient to be able to use both methods .
25 Do you find it hard to be objective about your looks as you grow older ?
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