Example sentences of "[verb] it [adj] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But no , I suppose he would have considered it disloyal to the old man .
2 ( The language of the extract has been modernized to render it accessible to the general reader .
3 I have made it clear to the right hon. Gentleman and to the House that we believe that the Union between the United Kingdom and Scotland is important .
4 My wife also read it and declared it superior to the equivalent magazine sent her by her old University — Oxford .
5 Esther sent a card to Alix , too , but Alix 's mother forwarded it accidentally-on-purpose to the wrong address possibly because she did not care for a rather elaborate allusion to Lacrima Christi in the text , nor for the brightly coloured shiny modern Madonna which the card portrayed .
6 They kept it intact to the last but both of them knew , without any discussion , that to keep themselves afloat they 'd jump on any passing raft .
7 My Lords , I ca n't give it precisely at the , at the d the despatch box , it is public information , I will make it available to the Noble Lord and place the answer in the library .
8 Will my right hon. Friend assure the House , however , that , before large amounts of financial aid are made available , he will make it clear to the Russian people and Government that it is not Governments but people who create wealth ?
9 A formal party vote might not be necessary to remove him : senior members of his party might make it clear to the Prime Minister that he no longer had the confidence of the parliamentary party ( as , in a sense , happened with Churchill in 1955 ) , or the lack of support might become clear as the result of a Commons vote ( as in 1940 , when Chamberlain obtained a drastically-reduced majority in a vote of confidence ) .
10 Even though its population was overwhelmingly German , the politicians rightly considered that its position made it vital to the Polish economy .
11 It was a style which many of the country 's administrators were familiar with , from their visits to France , and its classical origins made it acceptable to the cultured amateur .
12 It was well known that Sir Dennis Rooke made it clear to the right hon. Member for Worcester ( Mr. Walker ) that the privatisation of gas should be on his terms , and those were the terms on which gas was privatised .
13 Has the British embassy in Germany made it clear to the German authorities how deeply shocking and despicable have been the racist attacks by Nazi thugs there ?
14 Her aim is to take elitism out of design and make it accessible to a wider public .
15 Misumenops nepenthicola , a spider , lives there and captures flies ; if these are distasteful they are ( sometimes ) thrown back into the pitcher ; if disturbed , the spider goes down into the liquid on a thread , its armour and a bubble of air making it immune to the digestive juices there .
16 The goldfish can not only spy on the fair-red secrets of our world , but its vision extends through the spectrum to shorter wavelength ultraviolet radiation , making it receptive to a wider band of light than almost any other animal .
17 The success of a pilot standby scheme run for students at Teesside Plytechnic prompted the idea of making it available to a wider student audience , said theatre manager Lynn Hardman .
18 He started well by making it clear to a shocked and protesting Curzon that he could not again be Foreign Secretary .
19 Will he now seek the urgent help of the President of the United States in making it clear to the new Government in Turkey that the west expects a positive and constructive contribution to the United Nations peace process from now on ?
20 ‘ It remains to be seen whether or not there will be disciples who will carry on his work of popularizing football , making it attractive to the shilling-paying public , ’ commented The Times in its obituary .
21 Once again , now it does n't matter which way round you start , you can start left over right or right over left , but the second time you do it opposite to the first time , so the first time I put the left one over first and the right one over that and then tuck it through , just like tying a shoe lace really , okay ?
22 We see we see this forum as very much the right sort of forum for either making or breaking the case for a new settlement , the one thing I do have to say , however , is that the Department wants to see this particular issue settled in the context of the alteration , and full significance of that is n't immediately apparent , it , what we do n't want to see is what was envisaged in the H B F statement , where they thought that we might end up with a decision to have a new settlement in principle and then leave it open to the local plans , all four of them around the city , to then explore the possible alternative locations .
23 The cost of unity could be done through a gradual restructuring of the Ulster economy to make it similar to the Irish Republic .
24 His first Prayer Book was influenced by Luther ; his second more by Zwingli , in an attempt to make it acceptable to the Continental churches and enable a Reformed General Council to bring the whole of Christendom into a new and scriptural unity .
25 But curiously enough this dish , although made with fresh meat rather than with left-over boiled beef , has much in its flavour and composition which makes it akin to the celebrated miroton , always reputed to be characteristic of the cooking of the Paris concierge .
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