Example sentences of "[verb] it [adj] [prep] all [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The plaintiff may himself raise the arguments in the previous paragraph about the unreasonable nature of the clause , and seek to render it unenforceable for all classes of liability under the action .
2 Recently safety regulations have made it obligatory for all competitors to wear fist protectors .
3 The UKCC has now made it mandatory for all nurses to attend a five-day refresher course every three years to maintain their registration .
4 Sun Microsystems Inc will make it available for all Sparc systems in short order .
5 You should , though , make it clear at all times that you object to the way that you have been treated .
6 The new legislation made it possible for all South Africans to purchase freehold tenure to the 87 per cent of South Africa 's land hitherto reserved for the white minority , although it placed no obligation on white owners to sell , and commentators pointed out that few blacks had the means to buy .
7 make it possible for all pupils to have some testimony to their achievement ;
8 The other option is to have it resident at all times but is activated only when you want a fax converting .
9 I understand also that Scorton Tennis Club will be contacting you direct concerning financial aid towards tarmacing the present grass court and thus making it suitable for all weather use both by members of the club , visitors to the village and pupils of the village school .
10 The probe does not need to be kept moist making it suitable for all types of field work and the fact that there is no glass present makes it ideal for the food and drink pharmaceutical industries .
11 Lotus is also expected to streamline its Notes pricing , making it uniform across all systems , and comprehensible as far as multiple licences go .
12 It looks as though the agreement of March 1186 had failed to make it clear beyond all possibility of argument whether or not the Angevins could keep the Vexin if Alice remained unmarried .
13 This step ladder is Kite marked , and has a Class 2 duty rating , which makes it suitable for all household needs ; it is also widely used by professional tradesmen .
14 This section gives effect to the recommendations of the Clayson Committee as to who should have the right to object , confers the right on organisations representing owners and occupiers in the neighbourhood , also makes it obligatory on all objectors to lodge objections with the clerk to the licensing board and to intimate them to the applicant .
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