Example sentences of "[verb] it [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is n't a good idea to climb hills after eating at the Naked Man — ideally you should find a quiet corner and sleep it off like a boa constrictor does after it has swallowed a goat or two too many .
2 Leon threw the ball high , running for it himself and falling to catch it just for the pleasure of movement in sunshine .
3 Once it was dry , Louise styled Kukkay 's hair by twisting it up at the back to create fullness on top while still leaving it curly and ‘ free ’ .
4 But North had at least a half-promise of another honour : Adolfo Calero revealed that the contras had plans to put up a statue of him in Managua , just as soon as they had won it back from the Sandinistas .
5 He took the unravelling length of fabric from her and expertly refolded it , depositing it back on the stall .
6 ‘ I do n't think I have had the pleasure of meeting you before , ’ she said , transferring Flossie 's lead to her left hand and entangling it dangerously with the milk can , whilst proffering her right .
7 Ouch , I thought , that really hurt , and I clenched it tight for a moment to stop the pain , before looking to see the damage .
8 An ‘ only ’ dream has little effect on us ; we may remember it in the morning because it was funny or for some other reason , but it does not disturb us in any way ; most often , we recollect it only in the moments after waking and have forgotten it by the time we get out of bed .
9 Returning thoughtfully to his own back bedroom , he tuned one of his receivers to the frequency he had read off the antenna and hooked it up to a tape machine .
10 plug it in like an earphone .
11 Two small boys ran from the damp gloom of a back close , closely pursued by a third , who raced after them , swinging something over his head , then hurling it high in the air .
12 The talk was recorded by Russell Mulford and we intend to write it up for the museum .
13 and Ken we used to write it down on a bit of paper who had what and who owed what and
14 In order to get a true comparison between the firms ( and accordingly between the contributions , both capital and income generating , of their partners ) it may be necessary : ( 1 ) to revalue capital assets to a common date ; ( 2 ) to bring in the profits from the disposal of any property not required by the merged firm ; ( 3 ) to devise some means of compensation if goodwill is to be written out of account where it has previously been treated as an asset in which the partners have a share ; ( 4 ) where work in progress features in the accounts of one of the firms , to eliminate it by billing or to write it off against the capital accounts of that firm 's partners ; ( 5 ) to settle how bad debts are to be treated post-merger , either charged generally against the new firm or separately against the partners of the old firms ; ( 6 ) to write off the value of old fixtures and fittings ; ( 7 ) to revise profit and loss accounts to a common accounting date .
15 Taking the middle of the handkerchief , Vic drew it up through a hole he had formed with his other hand .
16 But her scrabbling fingers found it safe between her purse and the bag lining , and she drew it out with a moan of relief .
17 Carefully she drew it out through the folds of the eiderdown and held it close to the flame of the nightlight .
18 This time he traced it back to the servant in the bedroom — he blocked out or refused to remember her name — a cold witch , he decided , a witch who would find no satiation in this world , maybe even a spirit brought back to test and ruin those who had intercourse with her .
19 From 10 or 20 yards you can sometimes force the ball directly into the bank , the first jump taking it almost vertically upwards and landing it softly on the edge of the green .
20 It seems as if the reason that IBM UK Ltd could n't get any cash from its parent to bail it out at the end of last year and reportedly was told to go factor its receivables , is that IBM Corp was too busy bailing out IBM Deutschland GmbH .
21 It seems as if the reason that IBM UK Ltd could n't get any cash from its parent to bail it out at the end of last year and reportedly was told to go factor its receivables , is that IBM Corp was too busy bailing out IBM Deutschland GmbH .
22 You 've got to work it out on the basis of ten miles not on the basis of five miles .
23 They 'll accept it and put send it through on the nod if we can get his support .
24 Just write it on a memo form Paul and send it round with a circulation slip , and those who feel they want to get involved put their name down , probably the quickest way of doing it .
25 And and having completed that , you send it back to the personnel group at county hall .
26 it 's all mass produced and they might as well not sell it to you , and send it back to the manufacturers and get a full discount .
27 I think they 've all got their own washing machines on the ward and that sort of thing , whereas we had to do it by hand and then bundle it all up and send it down to the laundry .
28 The purchaser would take his own blood sample , send it off to the laboratory , and await the results by post .
29 And last night it was : ‘ Look , write a ‘ Sorry I ca n't ’ letter and I 'll have it photocopied and send it out to every number in the Yellow Pages . ’
30 The year-book is due to be ‘ published ’ this spring , so if you have not yet submitted your entry , please send it now to the Alumni Office or directly to Annette Chinnery at .
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