Example sentences of "[verb] to be on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And adults do not need to be on the verge of shouting or crying for these mechanisms to be involved .
2 The fastenings for the steel bits would need to be on the gun deck , and it was on the gun deck they had some of the electronic equipment they did not want the Chilean officers to see .
3 Despite an existing voluntary Code of Practice , reproduced in part below , drawn up by the National Farmers ' Union to minimise any nuisance and existing legal controls , complaints appear to be on the increase .
4 It is not simply that cases of public library censorship appear to be on the increase ( although there is no substantial evidence to confirm this ) , but that the question of determining what is and is not censorship can be so time-consuming .
5 But the reality is different ; collapsed scrummages appear to be on the increase , despite the obvious dangers .
6 At this early point in the 1990s , we appear to be on the edge of ‘ something ’ .
7 Another march is being held in Bonn next Monday , three days before the summit , when 50,000 Germans are expected to be on the streets .
8 The subject is expected to be on the agenda when the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board , Alan Greenspan , becomes the first US central bank chief to visit Moscow this weekend .
9 Age had given Norman Lamont a faintly oriental look ; the sound had been turned off , but it was plain from the speaker 's gestures that jam , or whatever was its Japanese equivalent , if it were not on today 's bill of fare , was certainly expected to be on the morrow 's .
10 It is important to note that the Act does not require all landowners to fence against the highway : in moorland areas of Wales and the north of England this would be an intolerable burden and in such areas a motorist must be expected to be on the look out for straying livestock .
11 The permit holder must state how long the skip is expected to be on the road .
12 The financial forecasts do not assume that such funds will be available , but reflect the position as it is expected to be on the basis of reasonably firm government funding projections , with Management Studies developing slowly and with no major physical developments other than those funded by outside sources .
13 With violence appearing to be on the wane at the moment , he may well be right that the future looks bright .
14 Can you tell me why your song book has to be on the floor and the music on the floor behind it ?
15 All we have to do is report to the parents once a year it does n't say that everything has to be on the report sheet at the same time it may well be some information goes at one particular time and some at another .
16 We would like to see the matter resolved , but the onus has to be on the owner . ’
17 If you want to be on the register and are aged between 18 and 40 , and weigh at least 8 stone , you can write to : The Donor Department
18 ‘ We want to be on the cover of Smash Hits … and we deserve it , ’ announces bass-player Ian , resplendent in his rubber trousers bought from a Soho sex shop .
19 I think we only want to be on the mainframe so that the divisions can access details in the middle of the night .
20 Why do people want to be on the stage ?
21 He can not claim on the one hand to be at the heart of Europe and at the same time want to be on the periphery of Europe and seem to want us to go at a slower speed than anyone else .
22 Not only did I not know how the apple had come to be on the bookcase , or in the house for that matter ; but how could it be perfect in every way .
23 Currie , who is Football in the Community Officer at Sheffield United a similar position to which Hankin filled at Feethams before becoming youth team coach was reported to be on the brink of joining Hankin 's management team .
24 Currie , who is Football in the Community Officer at Sheffield United a similar position to that which Hankin filled at Feethams before becoming youth team coach was reported to be on the brink of joining Hankin 's management team .
25 War-risk premiums were repeatedly reported to be on the rise for both hulls and cargoes .
26 After suffering serious losses , Onoue was reported to be on the verge of bankruptcy with debts of 410,000 million yen .
27 Hundreds of thousands of people were reported to be on the move throughout October and November in search of food .
28 A shot at next month 's Carling Black Label Stakes at Cleveland Park next month , now looks to be on the agenda .
29 Say that we want it set up in here with a photograph and that wants to be on the thing outsi
30 The local emphasis more often needs to be on the candidate , getting his name , face , personality and position known in the community and introducing him to key groups of people .
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