Example sentences of "[verb] you [be] [adv] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 From the moment you step in to the cool , colonial atmosphere of Sunwing 's reception with its cane and luxurious pastel furniture you know you 're in for a real treat .
2 And when you have Oscar-winning actor Jeremy Irons starring opposite his wife , Sinead Cusack you know you 're in for a class act .
3 You know you 're in for a rough ride just by gawping at their photos for this package which show Knight hunched up against some slum wall and Blake glowering in true Exorcist 2 style from within a storm of locusts .
4 ‘ Only to an expert in family relationships — and I know you were away for the weekend ! ’
5 Inevitably , months later , some actor will hiss , ‘ Heard you were in for the first half the other night , ’ prompting instant fabrication of husband having a miscarriage and mad cow disease in row F ) .
6 " We thought you were away for the week-end , " she said .
7 Just when you think you 're in for a standard , clichéd problem the rug is pulled form under your feet with a hilarious twist of logic .
8 Just when you think you 're in for an in-depth discussion on the technicalities of the Joey Beltram mix of state-of-the-art frightcore Techno duo MESSIAH 's last single , you find yourself caught up in a debate about doom and dwarf procuring and rock 'n' roll giants .
9 " Take these ; an annotated Gray 's Anatomy , some Freud — at least it 'll prove you were here for a reason if nothing else . "
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