Example sentences of "[verb] that it [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are , for instance , several conflicting claims concerning the function of the Japanese suffix -wa : some suggest that it is an obligatory marker of topic ( this claim is implicit in Li , 1976 : 465 ) ; others suggest that it marks given information ( see 5.1.2. below for an explanation of given vs new information ) .
2 It was claimed that it made rural communities vulnerable to guerrilla reprisals .
3 Staff at the Commission have claimed that it has insufficient funds to do this .
4 She opened a small round leather box to find that it contained tiny gold collar studs and several pairs of cuff links .
5 Okapi was certainly easy to use and most people found that it needed minimal learning and relearning .
6 ‘ I had always thought that its grip on me was purely personal , ’ wrote Amanda , ‘ — I loved it simply because it was my home — but then I found that it caught other people in its web too . ’
7 When , in 1884 , G. T. Clark [ q.v. ] published his Mediaeval Military Architecture in England , she realized that it contained false assumptions about the origins of the various mounds or mottes scattered over the British Isles .
8 Edinburgh District Council have been consulted and officials from their Planning Department have looked at the route and agreed that it has good potential .
9 Edinburgh District Council have been consulted and officials from their Planning Department have looked at the route and agreed that it has good potential .
10 They listened to the Black story and admitted that it had important implications .
11 To those who argued that the policy was deluded , its sponsors could answer that it had good aims in view ; indeed , the more glaring the disappointment , the more glowing the colours in which those aims were painted .
12 We must ensure that it makes proper progress through the House , receives proper scrutiny and is on the statute book before any rude interruptions .
13 It judged the centre , which carries out work on AIDS , infectious disease and transplant research , to be a world-class laboratory and says that it offers unique facilities to researchers in Europe such as a rhesus colony for which the microbiological status is known and typed for major histocompatibility complex , essential for transplantation studies and infectious disease research .
14 KPMG warrants and undertakes that it has full power and authority under the Financial Services Act 1986 and otherwise to make the Offer on behalf of Client .
15 Santa Monica , California-based Retix Inc warns that it expects net profit and turnover to be below analysts ' estimates for its first quarter ending April 3 : it expects operating results to be hurt by delays in releasing product enhancements for its RouterXchange 7000 series of routers to volume production , including support for IBM 's Token Ring network environment ; sales may be down up to 15% , and it may only break even or even worse .
16 If a British multinational invests in plant abroad , it is often argued that it weakens British industry because the resources could have been used to invest in new production in the UK .
17 Marxism has sometimes been regarded as a positivist approach since it can be argued that it sees human behaviour as a reaction to the stimulus of the economic infrastructure .
18 Legacies can also be sought more easily if the organisation can show that it has charitable status .
19 Ensure that it gives full details of prices , cancellation rights , a timetable for the work , any Guarantee which will apply to the work or materials and for what period of time .
20 Irradiation helps preserve the shelf-life of perishable food by killing off bacteria , but in the face of protests by consumer groups who allege that it reduces nutritional value , a number of supermarket chains have undertaken not to stock irradiated food .
21 Preliminary analysis at a London laboratory shows that it contains fatty globules of lipids and is organic , of animal origin .
22 Moreover , if we explore the course of English Literature , if we consider from what source its stream has sprung , by what tributaries it has been fed , and with how rich and full current it has come down to us , we shall see that it has other advantages not to be found elsewhere .
23 Several years ago , miso came under fire from researchers who claimed that it caused high blood-pressure , then Japan 's number-one killer .
24 The opening pages are ravishing : exquisite cor anglais and oboe plaints , the tenderest of string bass solos , and an organ so discreetly reassuring that it sounds locked deep in the subconscious .
25 A child under 10 incurs no criminal liability for its acts ; a child over 9 , but under 14 , incurs no such liability , unless it is shown that it had sufficient capacity to know that its act was wrong .
26 From my discussions with British Rail , I know that it made specific proposals for the diversion of at least four of the crossings and that the Ramblers Association objected to them all .
27 Reports indicated that it included strong guarantees of fundamental human rights , but that a number of clauses gave rise to heated debate , including proposed provisions allowing for detention without trial and for the postponement of local elections for five years .
28 Statements by the West German Bundesbank indicate that it views monetary union as a state which comes only at the end of a very long process of economic convergence .
29 ‘ Under the veil of darkness cities take on a universal quality ’ , thought American artist DOUG DAWSON , until he brought his pastels to London and discovered that it held certain characteristics he could n't ignore .
30 ‘ Under the veil of darkness cities take on a universal quality ’ , thought American artist DOUG DAWSON , until he brought his pastels to London and discovered that it held certain characteristics he could n't ignore .
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