Example sentences of "[verb] that on [adj] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 We found that on two occasions it was unable to copy a large file across 5 floppy discs .
2 ‘ From the beginning , that court has acted upon no narrow view of the cases covered by its duty to quash a conviction when it thinks that on any ground there was a miscarriage of justice …
3 The whole group burst out laughing and agreed that on that occasion she should be ‘ let off ’ her reading .
4 We may be pardoned for reproducing a part of the opinion of The American Annals of the Deaf of this quarter on the subject : " The retention of the word " Dumb " — which in America has been dropped from the titles of the Convention of Instructors , The National Association , and several State Associations of the Deaf , and many schools , as well as from the United States Census — is probably due to a vote to that effect by the conference held in London last January ; but as our British friends who constitute the Association seem to favour American precedents , we trust that on further consideration they will follow our example in this respect alone , and omit the objectionable word from their title " .
5 I argued that on some occasions there might simply not be enough acoustic information to make a decision , and cited psycholinguistic experiments on the intelligibility of words in certain contexts .
6 But then Carver had heard that on other occasions he used the same language about Galvone .
7 Investigators says that on this occasion he was also flying too low .
8 Investigators says that on this occasion he was also flying too low .
9 You can see that on busy days it is just not worth fishing there .
10 William Tidbury stated that on 11 December he had been working until late at a local farm ( this had already been borne out by the farmer ) .
11 In a fiery encounter , he claimed that on five occasions his players were grabbed by the testicles and , on more than one occasion , were spat on by their opponents .
12 These were not people with chronic or serious illnesses and yet they claimed that on most days they had some sort of ache or pain or just a feeling of being ‘ run down ’ or ‘ drained ’ .
13 So these things came to an end , I recall that on one occasion I was offered the eye of a sheep that had been cooked on a vast platter .
14 I recall that on this occasion there were present — besides Geoffrey Faber and other members of his staff — Dylan Thomas , William Empson , A. L. Rowse , Charles Madge , Babette Deutsch ( who had just published a book called This Modern Poetry ) , and some Faber and Criterion authors .
15 The athletes know them , and also know that on certain occasions they are being looked at for selection purposes .
16 It is difficult to summarise them , but , broadly , both they and the Cumberbatch survey confirm the public support for televising , suggest that interest waned slightly as novelty wore off , indicate that on some matters there is growing understanding of Parliament , but make plain that many people still have a lot to learn about MPs and their work and roles .
17 Magistrates heard that on both occasions she was travelling at more than ninety miles an hour .
18 You can then use this to ensure that on each wall your tiles will be centred accurately on major features such as window reveals , with a border of cut tiles of equal width at each side .
19 This meant that on special occasions I had to wear a black pleated skirt , white blouse and black beret , with white socks and black shoes and , when the weather was cold , a black cloak .
20 This meant that on some occasions they would be conducted by Busacher , on others by Anton , the old répétiteur , and in emergencies by their own lead violinist .
21 Obviously , if Jane says I 'm skipping and Mary says I 'm skipping we observe that on one occasion it is Jane who announces that she is skipping and on another it is Mary .
22 I have to confess that on many occasions I have had recourse to Hansard , of course only to check if my interpretation had conflicted with an express Parliamentary intention , but I can say that it does not take long to recall and assemble the relevant passages in which the particular section was dealt with in Parliament , nor does it take long to see if anything relevant was said .
23 I knew that on this trip my husband would go on to Oman and Cairo before returning home .
24 The court thought that on these facts it was potentially misleading to give the full Ghosh direction .
25 The intermediate posts or stakes are very far apart ( hence the relative cheapness of the system ) which means that on uneven ground there will be gaps through which lambs may escape .
26 He said that on that day he had 70 pupils at the West Lothian college and Oatridge agricultural college , and the links between the colleges were excellent .
27 The chairman said that on that matter he could not give Mr. Bulmer an assurance .
28 In this memoirs he said that on 15 March he learned that Hassan was pressing Washington to admit the Shah .
29 On the swings and roundabouts of crew changes , Grant Dalton , skipper of the New Zealand ketch Fisher & Paykel , issued a denial that Britain 's Chris Law would be joining the crew , while Lawrie Smith , skipper of Rothmans , said that on 20 October he would announce that David Powys would boost the crew to 14 , plus one or two others .
30 As the Foreign Office was still trying to maintain the secrecy of my visits , it was determined that on this occasion I would be met at Johannesburg airport and driven by road to the Rhodesian border where I would be picked up and conveyed by the Rhodesian authorities .
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