Example sentences of "[verb] for the last time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 CHRISTO VAN RENSBURG , one of the world 's leading doubles players , went on court at the Albert Hall yesterday believing he would be competing for the last time in the official season-ending doubles championship .
2 CHRISTO VAN RENSBURG , one of the world 's leading doubles players , went on court at the Albert Hall yesterday believing he would be competing for the last time in the official season-ending doubles championship .
3 It was reburied for the last time in 1973 after the number of visitors was found to be too high for the Cotswold village of Woodchester to cope with .
4 The IAC reported for the last time in January this year and , under the terms of the 1990 continuation order , the 1987 Act is due to expire on 31 March 1992 .
5 Tess generously tried for the last time to interest Angel in the other dairymaids .
6 This last point is certainly not irrelevant , since the commemorative scroll sent to me from the Palace names Leslie as of the Parachute Regiment ; and under this unit did he appear for the last time in the Army List .
7 While waiting , she gazed solemnly at the sinister Bridge of Sighs a few yards away and thought of the prisoners who 'd gazed out of its thickly grilled windows , looking for the last time on the beauties of Venice before they were incarcerated — or executed for causing the displeasure of powerful nobles .
8 That morning Sara had been up with the dawn to walk for the last time in the castle grounds to say goodbye to her doves , her servants , her horses and her hounds , the last of which seemed to sense what was happening and started howling as soon as she had departed .
9 As we have , therefore , travelled together through so many pages , let us behave to one another like fellow-travellers in a stage coach , who have passed several days in the company of each other : and who , notwithstanding any bickerings or little animosities which may have occurred on the road , generally make up at last , and mount for the last time into their vehicle with cheerfulness and good humour ; since after this one stage , it may possibly happen to us , as it commonly happens to them , never to meet more .
10 The First Level Certificate in Commercial Studies will be offered for the last time in 1993 .
11 HOUSE has been called for the last time at the Mecca bingo hall in Middlesbrough and its future is now uncertain .
12 The sun will set for the last time on RAF Hereford in July 1994 .
13 I called for the last time at the first house in the village and pressed the buzzer , but on getting no reply resigned myself to the long walk down the mountain .
14 Finally , on Saturday 23 June , the Wordsworths left Alfoxden , and went for the last time down the wooded lane through the deer park , past the beech trees and hollies where , on a day in March , they had sheltered from a hail storm , past Christopher Tricky 's hovel near the dog pound , and past the ‘ loud Waterfall ’ , whose sound would always echo in their memories .
15 Throwing back his head , he looked for the last time at the cloud-torn sky , and begged the Lord to watch over them and keep them safe ; and then he was gone , and all that remained was the surging waves and the cold , white crests of foam .
16 Mr Speaker Weatherill , who opened the exhibition , appeared for the last time before retirement in the distinctive tail-coat , knee-breeches and white bands of his office .
17 The girl who has reached the human being in Raskolnikov the murderer is left for the last time by Svidrigailov ‘ bewildered and frightened , and filled with vague and oppressive suspicions ’ .
18 Return for the last time to the Hall and enter the Diet , with its throne of 1836 .
19 Moments after the fighter had dipped its wings , the RAF ensign was gently lowered for the last time at Biggin Hill , Kent .
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