Example sentences of "[verb] to [be] make at [art] " in BNC.

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1 The decision would need to be made at a very senior level of management ( possibly Chief Executive level ) .
2 Payment of VAT has to be made at the end of each quarter ; that is 31 March , 30 June , 30 September and 31 December .
3 In Fig. 6.7 therefore , a choice has to be made at the top of the tree between so and sew based on the transitional probability scores to the following words a and I .
4 This is particularly important , and I 'm now riding my own hobby horse , but in the area of science erm we have a situation that erm in most secondary schools choice has to be made at the age of thirteen , fourteen , by boys and girls as to which subjects they should take .
5 Vologsky had constantly reassured himself that the repeated refusals were simply because his applications happened to be made at an inopportune moment .
6 This is an area only recently receiving attention , increasingly by using statistical tests for ‘ normalcy ’ : such studies should bring some objectivity to the assumptions which tend to be made at the moment about the character of individual or groups of hoards .
7 Such policies can not work , because cuts have to be made at a difficult time and even more jobs are lost .
8 The two other main decisions that have to be made at the design stage are the sizes of type and the style in which it is set .
9 The topics themselves will probably be reasonably apparent after the pre-pilot interview stage and two decisions need to be made at the layout stage .
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