Example sentences of "[verb] to [art] [adj] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They always suggest to the present writer the taste of a ripe plum .
2 The requirement is equally complied with if he receives a document of title from his seller and then transfers to the innocent sub-purchaser a different document of title relating to the same goods , Mount v. Jay ( 1960 Q.B. ) .
3 A former male compositor , apprenticed between the wars , told me that in his school , near Nelson 's printworks in Parkside , the foreman used to come to the top class every year and recruit " the brightest boys " .
4 As business people and newcomers to the NHS ( apart from one , Sir Brian Bailey , who was Chair of the Health Education Council ) , their views of the shortcomings of NHS management paralleled to a remarkable extent the findings of academic research as summarised by Harrison .
5 Their generosity was appreciated being so willing to give some time explaining to a fellow enthusiast the intricacies of steaming a locomotive for the first time and the difficulties which had been experienced in the rebuilding process .
6 A good game to play is ‘ Kim 's game ’ [ p.60 ] with items that are relevant to the cowboy theme and , in doing so , it will give you an opportunity of explaining to the younger ones the relevance of some of the items .
7 And finally , surely at this present moment , only four miles east of Harrogate and about three miles east of Ripon the A s A one is at this very moment in time being lifted to an acceptable standard A motorway standard at this stage and not in the year two thousand which is what you 're talking about for this road .
8 The British delegation to the UN informed London on 11 February that when UNTCOK reported to the Interim Committee the United States would advocate observing elections in the south despite the refusal of north Korea to cooperate .
9 281 had added to the protected class a case in which vulnerable elderly parents had agreed to provide security for the debts of their adult son .
10 We have constantly stressed to the Kenyan Government the need to respect freedom of expression and the important outlets for legitimate dissent .
11 commuting is not confined to the middle classes the working classes are more limited by public transport ; and
12 The Government give as reason for not reverting to the 1988 arrangements the small number of convictions previously secured .
13 The danger and the extra effort needed to shoe a colt for the first time was recognized by a custom called in some districts of East Anglia by the term First Nail which presumably referred to the violent shock the first nail would give to the colt .
14 Even when incontinence has been reported to the general practitioner the use of available facilities ( for example , continence advisers ) is limited .
15 The stone free date corresponds to the first time the gall bladder was considered to be free of fragments and sludge .
16 Applying to the inhibitory case the analysis of conditioning presented above leads to the suggestion that one of the associative links likely to be formed will be between the CS and a representation of no event .
17 The European community on the other hand also saw a growth of output of over twenty percent , twenty three point seven percent but that gave rise not to eighteen million but to only six million additional jobs and I just say to the honourable gentleman the lesson for Europe is to go further down the route that I have suggested of further deregulation and less bureaucracy and a stable economic framework , than to go down the route that he is advocating in his short address and question to me .
18 No past rival of Western democracies , not even Hitler 's Germany , has presented to the outside world a more opaque image of policy-making than has the USSR , and in no sphere does this arouse greater confusion and concern than defence policy .
19 The shift toward formal politics was qualitatively novel , and presented to the working class a potentially valuable opportunity of engaging in new forms of hegemonic struggle to remodel society .
20 By last Tuesday night , the Conservative chairman , Chris Patten , presented to the Prime Minister the worst case envisaged by party researchers : 305 seats held , enough to keep power in a hung parliament .
21 It is hoped that the professor will play a leading part in creating and maintaining contacts with other departments of Classical Art and Archaeology both in the UK and abroad ; in organising visits to Oxford by overseas scholars ; in forwarding attempts to maintain and revive classical teaching in schools and universities ; and in communicating to a wider public the results and importance of Classical Archaeology .
22 In Smith v Leech Brain & Co Ltd [ 1962 ] 2 QB 405 , Lord Parker , CJ , applied to a personal injury the rule which is inaccurately expressed in the phrase , ‘ the wrongdoer takes his victim as he finds him ’ .
23 To Adam Smith each trade had its " peculiar infirmity " , and the economist was familiar with the widely selling translation of the classic work by Bernard Ramazzini , De Morbis Artificum Diatriba , which added to the diagnostic list the question : " what occupation does he follow ? …
24 So what , what , what could it am I right in saying that it 's related to the , the work that you 're doing is related to the particular circumstances the particular problems that people living in flats have had ?
25 According to an old story the Devil , intending to win the souls of the Basques , tried to learn their language , but after seven years of unremitting study had mastered only three words .
26 Again , according to Bernstein ( 1975 ) , Ball ( 1981 ) , and many more , schooling can have opposite effects on children according to whether children have been socialized into working-class or middle-class aspirations , and according to the actual way the schooling process is structured by the state , the teachers , and the subject-disciplines .
27 According to the official statistics the population in Finland increased from 4598300 in 1970 to 4974400 in 1989 , the average annual increase being 0.4% .
28 According to the official statement the process was delayed because the census had still to be completed and the election code had not been adopted by the HCR .
29 According to the official transcript the judge 's closing observations were as follows :
30 According to the new legislation the principal organs of power were : ( i ) the SLORC , headed by a Chairman ( currently Saw Maung ) ; and ( ii ) the government .
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