Example sentences of "[verb] to [pron] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We urge our readers to write to their MP at the House of Commons .
2 I felt I had to write to your readers as an unbiased outsider , although I am an avid reader of your magazine .
3 Major Henches , another artilleryman ( killed on the Somme that autumn ) found time to write to his wife during the May fighting at Verdun :
4 After I moved to my apartment in the Hotel España I kept hoping I might be able to persuade you to come and share it , or at least to take the one next to mine , which was empty .
5 Blunderingly , I moved to my left among the boulders , being careful to keep behind them and not be seen .
6 A refinement of the design of the Cambridge bridge over the original was the incorporation of wrought-iron latticework in the unglazed windows to prevent the lovelorn emulating their Latin counterparts by leaping to their deaths in the river .
7 ‘ Righto , ’ Dad would say , leaping to his feet with the zest of a thirty-year-old .
8 In later years she suffered badly from varicose veins on her legs , which contributed to her death at the age of 82 .
9 Baldwin , with a glowering Churchill beside him and uncertain followers behind him , took the opportunity to pay a notable tribute to the Viceroy and to end it on a curious note , half petulant , half menacing : ‘ I will only add that if ever the day comes when the party which I lead ceases to attract to itself men of the calibre of Edward Wood , then I have finished with my party . ’
10 He regarded it as essential that men become more deeply committed to their work through the formation of professional/occupational groups , since for them an involvement in the family did not provide a sufficiently sound moral basis for continued existence : ‘ Men must gradually become attached to their occupational or professional life …
11 Despite opposition from the Bar Association and another government-appointed committee , the Wimalaratne Committee adhered to its views in a supplementary report , because movables in the custody of a borrower , secured by a mortgage , provides in the main the basic security for working capital of a trade or business .
12 It adds to our reputation as an island still constricted by an ossified class system .
13 If you disagree with , say , one point out of ten in your own side 's case ( but preferably not the main point ) , it adds to your credibility as a witness .
14 One day Mr Brownlow asked him to come to his study for a little talk .
15 It 's for those reasons , sir , that the City Council feels that it can no longer support the proposed proposals for new settlement , just to come to your question about the issue of scale , I am not able to define what er small is in P P G three , it 's obviously been left deliberately vague , but I would draw your attention to the Ucwetec T P A study I 've just referred to which makes it quite clear in their terms that to be self contained in transport terms the nearest any settlement ne really needs to be in excess of twenty thousand people .
16 to come to my home for a holiday and a rest …
17 Am I going to sit down comfortably in a studio and be interviewed , or is this guy going to come to my office with a piece of equipment like that , which we will be using later , a ewer , or a Nigra whatever piece of portable equipment they have .
18 Hounded to her death by a cruel mother-in-law , neglected by her husband … the same husband who 'd carried on with a woman when she was hardly cold in her grave .
19 Police said the couple were walking to their hotel from a restaurant when a man drove a car up beside them , pointed a gun and ordered them to lie down .
20 Alessandro was particularly fortunate in his artistic advisers , who included Paolo Giovio , Annibale Caro and Fulvio Orsini , and the section devoted to their influence on the Cardinal is possibly the best in the book .
21 The accident happened out of sight of the public enclosures and 80,000 spectators rose to their feet in a stunned numbness when the tannoy announced that Clark was dead .
22 Laying down her coffee-cup , she rose to her feet in a lithe , graceful movement that completely belied the heaviness of her spirit .
23 And yet , of course , she had noticed ; the darkness once again hid the colour that rose to her cheeks at the recollection of the airs she had put on during those visits to the racecourse .
24 The truth he got , but , when he rose to his feet at the splendid Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre to declare the summit open , no more than a few people present had any inkling of what he was about to say .
25 Jonas rose to his feet with a deep sigh .
26 Obliquely across the table , Dominic rose to his feet with the large blond young man , and skirted round the end of the table to stand behind Meryl 's chair .
27 Meanwhile , Senator Bennett R. Hapgood rose to his feet on the podium erected for the purpose in the sweeping grounds of the open-air Hancock Center in the heart of Austin and surveyed the crowd with satisfaction .
28 Alexei rose to his feet in a single effortless movement , twirled the chanthu one-handed , and speared it into the coarse black sand .
29 The psychological response each member of the family has to his/her stage in the life-cycle .
30 Uncles and aunts were likely to be out of touch with what was happening to their family on the continent , and sometimes there were tensions and disagreements which had caused them to move away in the first place .
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