Example sentences of "[verb] in the [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They sleep in the same room with each other , and look beautiful when I am putting them to bed , jumping and hopping about quite naked , rejoicing in the freedom of no clothes .
2 Because of what transpired in the latter part of 1989 , seldom has your insight been so penetrating and accurate , and between now and August is a time of unrivalled opportunities for you to make your mark .
3 Perhaps the best hope for progress lies in the many examples of good practice that already exist and which the Act simply reflects and builds on .
4 Shape and other attributes are encoded in the same kind of way , encoded into a form that is convenient to handle .
5 If we analyse the relation between the event of " passively experiencing " denoted by have and that of saying or happening denoted by the infinitive , it becomes obvious immediately that the two must be conceived as occurring in the same stretch of time : one can only experience something while it is happening .
6 Confusingly , it was another Richard Hutchinson , of the City and later of Stepney , who was co-treasurer for sick and wounded soldiers , widows , and orphans from 1643 to 1660 and a judge for imprisoned debtors in 1653–4 , and who served as co-paymaster of the navy under the treasurers in 1688–71 , appearing in the latter part of Pepys 's diary .
7 As the genes in question appear to work in the same way in mice and people it should be possible to develop ways of detecting the genes in people at risk and discovering methods of implanting cells with the normal genes or blocking the action of the defective genes .
8 We might , therefore , expect them to work in the same sort of way as the visual system .
9 It argued that public-sector resources were substantial , ‘ but efforts need to be pulled together more effectively , and brought to bear in the same place at the same time ’ ( ibid .
10 Although the figure rose in the latter half of the year as the Gulf crisis drove up oil prices , the growing recession in November and a fall in the volume of oil imports saw the deficit fall to $9,700 million , and to $6,300 million in December .
11 The number of part-time university students on degree courses ( other than OU students ) rose in the same period by 36% ( DES , 1989a , Table 1 ) .
12 These units could then be regarded as repeatedly subdivisible to the point that the final dimension is so minute that it stands in the same relation to the highest human capacity for feeling as does the single cell to the supreme achievement of cellular development , which is the physical human being .
13 Yet lexical access stands in the same relation to these levels as the acoustic front end stands to lexical access .
14 The Senate amendment provided that the right of EC citizens resident in France to vote in European and local elections would be covered by a law " voted in the same terms by both assemblies " , whereas the National Assembly under Article 45 of the Constitution could be asked by the government to " rule definitively " on legislation if the two houses could not agree .
15 Male workplaces are even more segregated ( 81 per cent of the husbands interviewed in the same survey in 1980 had no colleagues of the opposite sex doing the same type of work ) .
16 With most sentences , particularly non-observational sentences , no clear answer will emerge because the natives will not all behave in the same way in the same conditions .
17 Moreover , it varies according to style , purpose and audience : no one speaks or writes in the same way on all occasions .
18 His younger brother , who lives in the same house in Umtata , met Mr Mandela in August and subsequently travelled to ANC headquarters in Lusaka .
19 The increased investigative powers contained in the latter piece of legislation is likely to give the regulatory authorities a greater degree of success in detecting insider abuse , however , the subjective elements of the substantive offence , as enshrined in the CSA 1985 , remain an onerous burden for the prosecution to discharge .
20 The words contained in the former definition of larceny , in section 1 of the Larceny Act 1916 , ‘ without the consent of the owner , ’ have been omitted , and , we have no doubt , deliberately omitted from the definition of theft in the new Act .
21 Whether the right to review the rent and the right to determine are contained in the same subclause of the lease ( Al Saloom v Shirley James Travel Service Ltd ( 1981 ) 42 P & CR 181 ) or in different subclauses ( Legal & General Assurance ( Pension Management ) Ltd v Cheshire CC ( 1983 ) 265 EG 781 ) makes no difference .
22 But then I found in the same week in the relatively liberal UK magazine Time Out several references to women as ‘ chicks ’ and ‘ broads ’ .
23 As late as October 1958 Khrushchev referred in the same breath to ’ the tragic fate of Guatemala' and ’ the heroic but unequal struggle of the Cuban people ’ .
24 One of the most important of these ‘ eruptions ’ occurred in the latter decades of the nineteenth and early decades of the present century when the fabulous wealth of plants in the Chinese hinterland was made known to the West by French missionaries and British and European hunters .
25 On weekdays , a further peak occurred in the half hour before noon , but demand then dropped over the lunchtime period until 13.00 , when it started to climb once more , reaching a peak at 14.15–14.30 , after which it declined gradually until the end of the day .
26 They want to engage in as mature a fashion as possible in realities as they are being experienced in order to take and make their own authority for their existence without being caught in the many traps for immaturity which are open to them .
27 A man passerby caught in the same hail of bullets was wounded in the arm .
28 And some four weeks later was again caught in the same car at Kingsley .
29 In today 's Nature , Professor Stephen Mann and Dr Jon Didymus from Bath University , working with Dr Young and colleagues at the Natural History Museum , have found that in spite of their varied appearance , the chalk crystals of which they are built are organised in the same way at the atomic level .
30 Tamas had attempted to stand in the same constituency in the 1985 general election , but had been thwarted by what he had alleged to be communist manipulation of the candidate selection process [ see p. 33812-13 ] .
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