Example sentences of "[verb] in [art] same [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 " It should be obvious that in the crowded habitations of the poor , who live , cook , eat , and sleep in the same apartment and pay little regard to the washing of hands , the evacuations of cholera victims which are almost colourless and without odour can be passed from one person to another .
2 A hill or valley can often act in the same way as an enormous sail and bend the wind over a large area .
3 But the steroids in the Pill are of a different sort — they are the female sex hormones ( or closely related chemicals ) and they do not act in the same way as corticosteroids .
4 Where the employee is working on the employer 's premises , the employer must act in the same manner as a reasonably prudent employer .
5 Professor Derek Ellwood , director of the pathogenic microbe research laboratory at the Centre for Applied Microbiology Research , Porton Down , Wiltshire , says that ‘ from the point of view of safety , a biotechnology factory should not be designed in the same ways as one making antibiotics ’ .
6 He came on , walking in the same direction as Rachaela , the dilute snow sparkling in his hat like sequins .
7 ‘ The crystals always grow in the same direction and then they are shaped , ’ they say .
8 It lies in the same field as the rather reddish Nu² ; ( 3.9 ) , forming a triangle with Nu² ; and Sirius .
9 i ) It is congruent with the traditional fungal taxonomy and with phylogenetic trees of fungi based on nuclear SSUrRNA data : the two pyrenomycetes ( P.anserina and N.crassa ) branch very closely together and their distance to A.nidulans , a representative of the plectomycetes , is shorter than that to S.cerevisiae , belonging to the endomycetes. ii ) The position of P.wickerhamii is unexpectedly closer to S.cerevisiae than to all other ascomycetes , whereas the distance between S.cerevisiae and P.wickerhamii lies in the same range as that between the two ascomycetes , S.cerevisiae and A.nidulans .
10 Average January temperatures are below freezing point , even as far south as Bitola , which lies in the same latitude as Naples .
11 In Yemen , seismic activity has commenced in our Hood block which lies in the same province as the oil fields recently discovered in the adjacent Masila area .
12 If both NL and LD , or if both EX and CS , are switched on ; only NL and EX respectively will show on the screen : both pairs of codes appear in the same places and NL and EX take priority if both are on .
13 These scenes , in which Chas ' burgeoning sexuality is alluded to , appear in the same context as his obvious distaste when actually faced with the prospect of kissing , ‘ Eeurk ! ’ or his hair being touched by a girl : ‘ Chas felt his hair suddenly prickle , as if it was full of nits ’ .
14 The apparent ritualistic posing , although strongly performed and easy to understand , did not appeal in the same way as his Song of the Earth .
15 The ‘ offset ’ policy extends the bubble concept so as to allow interfirm trading of emission permits among activities not located in the same plant or not owned by the same firm .
16 The women go out to work in the same way as other women , but know that their main priority in life is to care for their families .
17 However , the one thing that instantly distinguished PageMaker from the rest was the fact that it had been designed to work in the same way as a traditional paste-up table .
18 If he categorically refused to work in the same Laboratory as Lorrimer , one of them would have to go .
19 The Midland rose in the same way as it later fell — by acquisition .
20 ‘ I have three children and even though I do not have a job at present , they will never have to suffer in the same way as the children of Somalia . ’
21 Sean Ashby ( Browning Starlets ) was pegged in the same area and his 3–13–4 catch was made up of gudgeon , roach and perch .
22 Britain has been subject to the same decline in long-stay beds and has responded in the same way as other European countries to this fall in the mental hospital population .
23 The subframes are designed to deform in the same manner as the robust bodyshell and thereby contribute to this energy absorption .
24 In a Court of Appeal decision , reported in the same volume as the case from which the passage above is taken , Lord Denning thought that there was a breach of the peace ‘ whenever a person who is lawfully carrying out his work is unlawfully and physically prevented by another from doing it ’ .
25 We can now see how one organization could adopt cash accounting , budgetary accounting and fund accounting simultaneously : only cash transactions are recognized , the cash flows are reported in the same format as the budget , and they are also recorded and reported in individual funds .
26 This behaved in the same way as the first unit , so I took this one back and got a third …
27 Furthermore , several pairs of the reaction primers can be mixed in the same tube and allowed to ‘ analyse ’ different point mutations at the same time ( all the different products of the polymerase chain reaction are deliberately designed to be different sizes ) .
28 rebuilt in the same style and all the treasures are still there .
29 At the moment it seems our American friends had the right of it , but we are still working with the wild-caught fish and quite often these do not behave in the same way as tank-raised fish do .
30 Guy ( 1980 ) has concluded from his study of final stop deletion that the individual follows the group norm very closely ; but since we know that scores for different linguistic variables are not distributed within or between groups in a comparable way , we can not conclude that all variables will behave in the same way as the syllable-final alveolar stop .
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