Example sentences of "[verb] in [noun sg] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 IT IS not irrational for a jury to decide that the first of two co-accused acted in concert with the second but that the second co-accused did not act in concert with the first , because the case against each accused must be considered separately and there may be evidence which is admissible against one but not the other .
2 I had to promise mum I 'd write to each of them , and apologise in person at the first possible opportunity , and also that I 'd stop off at Lochgair before I returned to Glasgow , to see dad .
3 ( Hey recorded as Key , for instance ) or by the choice of alternative Christian names ( e.g. the second one used in preference to the first ) or by evasion of the system before penalties were introduced in 1875 .
4 There , Emerson made a superb start but got caught in traffic at the first left-hander .
5 I used to listen for hours about her girlhood in Sheffield : smoking out of the window ; the young soldier she visited in hospital in the First World War , who gave her his rosary and went off and was killed ; of her suitors ; the fuss surrounding her affair with my father , who was much older than her ( and already married , though this she never told me ) .
6 The works on show range in date from the first millenium BC to Oriental and contemporary objects .
7 Meanwhile , Apple is predicting that it will have at least 70% of Macintosh applications recoded in time for the first batch of volume PowerPCs to hit the streets in 1993 , using AT&T Bell Laboratories spin-off , the Holmdel , New Jersey-based Echo Logic Inc , to do the recompiling .
8 These developments in British economic thinking are shown by the publication of two remarkable business texts , which were widely read and discussed in the early 1960s. first , appearing under the title Management 's Mission in a New Society , were 20 provocative papers , originally written in celebration of the first 50 years of the Harvard Business School .
9 These had expanded in intensity after the First World War , with extensive housing development in the areas served .
10 Every qualified projection of climate change and population growth indicates a crisis which will grow in seriousness through the first half of the twenty-first century .
11 Robbie was terribly tempted to ask how he would describe the glamorous-looking Petula , so perhaps it was just as well that at that moment they came in sight of the first lock .
12 Three arrests have been made in relation to the first incident when a policeman was shot and injured shortly before an explosion at the gasworks .
13 Up to SDR14,120,000 ( $20,000,000 could be drawn in support of the first annual programme for 1992/93 .
14 He also submitted that it was essential that a jury should reach a rational conclusion by a rational process of thought , and he further submitted that it was wholly irrational for them in effect to hold that the first appellant did not act in concert with the second appellant , but that the second appellant acted in concert with the first appellant .
15 Tambo arrived in time for the first consultative conference of the movement for 31 years , an event which provided an opportunity for the ANC to clarify its policy of negotiation with the government .
16 Ruth paid in advance for the first night .
17 The question of forming an independent union had sharply divided delegates during the five days of debate , despite having been approved in principle at the first congress in June [ see p. 37617 ] .
18 They had invested in junk in the first place because of government policy , accounting for 7% of bonds outstanding at the end of 1988 .
19 In Rugby Union , Chinnor and Swindon , they 'll be locked in combat in the first round of the Oxfordshire Courage floodlit Cup , and that match kicks off at the southern by-pass ground at seven fifteen .
20 BRISTOL ROVERS announced yesterday that Malcolm Allison will stay in charge of the First Division club until the end of the season — at least .
21 A joint venture between English Nature and London Zoo 's Invertebrate Conservation team has resulted in Britain 's most endangered bush cricket , the wart-biter ( Decticus verrucivorus ) being successfully reared in captivity for the first time .
22 The Roman bronze figure of Ajax seated in meditation from the first century BC is the only three-dimensional representation of the Greek hero to have survived ; it is thought by Ortiz to be the clue to the subject of the Belvedere torso in the Vatican Collection .
23 Despite the lines round her mouth and the flecks of grey in her hair , there was a bloom in her cheeks and her eyes shone like those of a girl who has fallen in love for the first time .
24 Well certainly I mean this this whole initiative is something that I s just seemed to me when Philip got in touch in the first place , that that something that we ought to er be involved with .
25 The death- like opening phrase is played steadily , with blanched tone and no vibrato , the viola exactly judged in counterpoint to the first violin .
26 It was Buddy Melges , however , who steered in front at the first cross after the start , having been lifted into a handsome lead by the first shift , and stayed there .
27 Five Polish nationals were arrested in connection with the first seizure , and two Czechoslovak nationals and five others in the second .
28 He summarizes the kind of attitudes and assumptions towards religion which a majority of children when they arrive in school for the first time will be likely already to have assimilated .
29 Still shaken , Woodfull picked up his bat again , but the roars of the crowd increased in intensity during the first ball of the next over when the offside field was suddenly changed to a legside field .
30 The view has been expressed in some quarters that experience gained in implementation of the First Directive would be very valuable in carrying out detailed work on the Second .
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