Example sentences of "[verb] the [det] [noun] when [art] " in BNC.

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1 Example 7 shows the listing obtained for ROOTPACK1 when the next version selects APCK and DPCK , prior to approval and example 8 shows the same listing when the selection is specified as Highest .
2 But the features that make Mr President sexy do n't work the same trick when the man behind them is thought to be a vacuum cleaner salesman from Bolton .
3 Sharing the same bed when the spark between you has gone has a particular pathos ’ , he wrote .
4 We heard the same thing when the Labour Government introduced the Equal Pay Act 1970 .
5 We felt the same frustration when a British Oxfam worker , Peter Coleridge , was kidnapped in Beirut by Abu Nidal and then released within days , after pressure had been brought to bear by the aid agencies in Lebanon and Mustapha Saad .
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