Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun sg] for [art] new " in BNC.

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1 The somewhat carefree atmosphere of this event was dampened a few months later when the Electricity Board 's contractors prepared to start work on levelling the ground for the new power station .
2 In the first a company or industry discerns the need for a new product or product range , develops markets and sells to the widest possible market .
3 With plans afoot for the redevelopment of part of the Cretan Knossos estate of Sir Arthur Evans , close by his former house the Villa Ariadne , a team from Birmingham University has been given the go-ahead for a new excavation .
4 The text as structured above should be capable of generating the typography for the New OED .
5 As soon as Gorbachev was reinstated as President on Aug. 21 , he was compelled by the increase in Yeltsin 's political standing and the fact that most state bodies were at least partially compromised in the coup attempt to acknowledge the need for a new state structure ; the majority of the republics proclaimed independence from the Soviet Union , and fundamental reforms began of the government and the State Security Committee ( KGB ) .
6 It lasted 26 years before John Bays , who is still competition secretary , allowed the professionals back into the Senior Cup , and the bowl which they had competed for became the prize for a new competition , the Essex Senior Trophy .
7 Er which I do n't think would make the focus for a new settlement proposal .
8 The goals were to establish a New World Order which would prepare the way for the New World ‘ messiah ’ , the Lord Maitreya .
9 Between now and then , the Quality Development Programme will prepare the ground for the new Framework , giving SCOTVEC and centres time to prepare for the changes .
10 Once the old tank has been removed , you can install the pipework for the new cylinder .
11 Christopher Grasby , Brendon O'Neill and Tom Zetek , all architects working at Rock Townsend , have won the competition for a new pavilion at Soane 's Dulwich Picture Gallery .
12 A Bill will be presented to Parliament next session to pave the way for the new ‘ shadow ’ councils to be elected next year so they can take over on April 1 , 1995 .
13 Rance urged the Cabinet to accept the need for a new policy but the unhelpful response was ‘ do your best to put the brakes on ’ .
14 ‘ You helped me buy the land for the new town when I first came to Haiti .
15 The series originated from various communities and when it reached the west coast I had to provide the script for a new show every seven days for ten weeks .
16 Sh I mean to , to my mind , should n't the land ownership possibly one of the key issues cos that is if you have land ownership and then you 're just paving the way for the new capitalist society and to , you know , according to Marxist theory which I think is a pretty dodgy one , they have to go from capitalism to achieve socialism
17 There wo n't be a referendum in this country … the wide-ranging Treaty , which paves the way for a new currency and a common defence policy , will be debated in Parliament .
18 Second , we will set-down the perspective of the Liberals and SDP — the parties that have been most active in pressing the case for a new constitution precisely because they do not think they can win within the rules of the old one .
19 He has already written the pilot for a new series called Dead On Time
20 Dawson 's first book , The Age of the Gods ( 1928 ) , subtitled A Study in the Origins of Culture in Prehistoric Europe and the Ancient East , began by noting that ‘ During the last thirty years the great development of archaeological and anthropological studies has prepared the way for a new conception of history . ’
21 The earlier chapters of this book have shown how events and a growing sense of disillusion with many old policies paved the way for a new approach .
22 Defeat followed by foreign rule paved the way for a new receptivity to foreign influences in general .
23 The others both involve some drilling and chiselling to create the recess for the new flush double box .
24 In order to create the database for the new process , type the following command :
25 Similarly , there are voices from theologians , politicians and concerned citizens in many parts of the world and of many different persuasions expressing the need for a new ‘ public philosophy ’ and a new ethos of public morality in the 1990s .
26 Although most of those who commented on the proposed SAS support the need for a new Standard , there are two particular aspects that concern many commentators .
27 Some people think the parliamentary election should be brought forward from 1993 , to give the government legitimacy and to open the way for a new president — Mr Lech Walesa ? — in place of General Jaruzelski .
28 Parents , pupils and staff all chipped in to help collect the cash for a new bus for Eastbourne school .
29 Out of the last discussion , titled The Merseyside Perspective , came the idea for a new umbrella organisation to bring together everyone in the business locally .
30 ‘ You know Howard 's writing the scenario for the New Jerusalem , do n't you ? ’
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