Example sentences of "[verb] in [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Oh sleep in sleep in the mansion place .
2 All information , matters and circumstances relating to the Business which are or would on reasonable enquiry be known to the Vendor and which are material to be known by a purchaser for value of the Business have been disclosed in writing to the Purchaser .
3 Each of these things will assist in turning off the stress tap .
4 The most promising argument in favour of W. having an exclusive right to consent to treatment and thus , by refusing consent , to attract the protection of the law on trespass to the person , lies in concentrating upon the words ‘ as effective as it would be if he were of full age . ’
5 By a respondent 's notice dated 28 February 1992 the father contended that in the event of the appeal being allowed in part the order should be varied so that the local authority pay to the father a sum representing the costs incurred by the father in the family proceedings court and that sum to be calculated by a costs draftsman by reference to the Legal Aid in Family Proceedings ( Remuneration ) Regulations 1991 or alternatively , to an order that the local authority pay to the father a sum representing in relating to the proceedings below calculated in the same way but excluding all or part of the costs incurred on 27 and 28 January 1992 .
6 The terms of reference must be defined in advance , and appear in writing in the opening statement .
7 They also remarked with astonishment a sort of combat between God and her without being able to determine whether God was more occupied in seeking in the secrets of his wisdom the means of exercising her by suffering than she was disposed to suffer for his love ; for she showed an incredible avidity for crosses and an invincible patience over her trials and over every affliction which Almighty God sent to exercise her love and fidelity .
8 She sat up with a start , blinking , to find the room full of electric light again , and her host occupied in turning off the lamps , his face streaked with oil and his black hair wildly untidy , but with an air of triumph about him which she registered with some amusement .
9 My understanding from your letter of [ Date ] is that I am jointly instructed by the vendor , Mr D Smith , and the purchasers ( as set out in the Agreement between the parties dated [ Date ] ) and that I am requested to certify in writing to the parties , the value , in my opinion , of Mr D Smith 's shares at [ Date ] .
10 Oxford 's forwards were slow and scattered in getting to the breakdown .
11 The porpoises delight in riding on the bow waves of motor boats , which has frequently proved to be a fatal mistake .
12 Second , information is either degraded in passing from the right to the left hemisphere or else is less efficiently processed by the right half of the brain .
13 The Commission made concessions in some areas but , backed by the Netherlands and the UK , succeeded in staying within the expenditure ceiling of ECU32,500 million set in February 1988 [ see p. 35914 ] .
14 Despite the time that had elapsed from Schuman 's original declaration to ratification , the ECSC succeeded in escaping from the drawing board relatively easily .
15 Having been frustrated in her 1988 cruise to Scandinavia , Islander headed north-east once more last summer and this time succeeded in passing through the Limfjord , sailing down the Kattegat and up into the Baltic as far as Stockholm before retracing her steps to visit Copenhagen for the second time on this voyage .
16 It soon became apparent that he had not only failed to read the book but had not even succeeded in struggling to the end of the blurb , though this did not of course stop him talking at length .
17 as if to confirm her pedestrian turn of mind , Miss Logan at this point revealed that it had been a matter of curiosity to her since childhood how the Ark had succeeded in resting upon the top of a mountain .
18 The publications of Degenhart and Annegrit Schmitt have succeeded in bringing into the mainstream of art history the study of artist 's pattern books and travel notebooks , which were so important for the dissemination of ideas and motifs , as well as book illustration and marginalia drawings .
19 Asking students to supply a title which refers to discourse type as well as topic , is a quick way of checking they have succeeded in orientating towards the discourse as a whole .
20 Heeding Lady Barber 's wish that the ‘ purchases for the Collection shall be of that standard of quality required by the National Gallery and the Wallace Collection ’ , the Trustees have succeeded in acquiring over the years a group of paintings , drawings , sculptures , and objet d'art of exceptional merit , a number of them undisputed masterpieces .
21 Therefore the contraction in demand engineered by the government only succeeded in adding to the unemployment problem .
22 Terry appeared to be having a nervous breakdown ; her mother was foolishly trying to be everything to everybody and only succeeded in adding to the confusion .
23 I do n't feel that I have succeeded in mixing with the community as well as I would like to have done .
24 far from being crushed as a nation by the Russian conquest , the Yakuts succeeded in adapting to the ways of their conquerors and extended their own influence over their Tungus and Yukagir neighbours , not to mention the Russians themselves .
25 The targets of these attacks , beatings , kidnappings and murders have been trade unionists , peasants ( especially those involved in campaigns for land redistribution and resistance to recruitment into civil defence patrols ) and Indians who have given themselves up to the army and been taken to resettlement areas after years of living in hiding in the mountains .
26 Christopher Baker of Hill Samuel said the plan was presented in writing to the Ferranti board on Friday .
27 Such consent would not be an answer to a charge of assault , and the policy reasons that forbid consenting adults to engage in fighting for the purposes of assault should apply equally in the case of an affray .
28 The long years he spent absorbed in working for the abolition of untouchability and for the reconciliation of Muslim and Hindu , and in innumerable projects of village uplift , testified not only to his genuine goodness but also to the strength of his desire to make India , in the eyes of its alien rulers as well as his own , worthy to be free .
29 At least outside the hard sciences , words which are closely related in meaning in the context of a subject search are often morphologically and etymologically unrelated ( " alcoholism " and " drunkenness " , " communism " and " marxism " ) .
30 What was decided in regard to the applicant Handscomb was that where the first review date predicated an equivalent determinate sentence well in excess of that which could have been imposed under established sentencing practice , there was impugnable unreasonableness .
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