Example sentences of "[verb] a [noun sg] at the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 So the next morning when the crows in the square were still making their sounds of hunger I hired a van at the mews garage and off we chugged down the hill , Earls Court way , to collect Selina 's stuff .
2 It was a frontier to the northeast for the Romans who had a camp here , Castra Bonnensia , where they suffered a defeat at the hands of the German tribes in AD 70 .
3 Before doing so , you would be strongly advised to consult a solicitor at the Citizens ' Advice Bureau or the Welfare Advice Unit of your local Social Security office .
4 An inevitable part of fund-raising is the charity ball : Clarissa recently hosted A Night At The Dogs at The Park Lane Hotel .
5 He was sitting there with his head in his hands ; he did not rise when the train passed ; he made no movement ; he did not give a glance at the signs I made him ; and for a long time as the train was carrying me away , I watched his little motionless , grief-stricken figure , lost in the desert , an image of my own despair .
6 Following Unix System Labs Inc 's SVR.4.2 US bonanza last week ( UX No 390 ) , the European launch was a more subdued affair — just a smattering of USL and Novell Inc officials graced a podium at the Networks ‘ 92 show for a briefing by Univel Inc on its UnixWare derivation .
7 Rufus put the receiver back , feeling a clutch at his stomach as if a hard hand had made a grab at the muscles .
8 There are enough problems for the occupier of 11 Downing Street without adding a crisis at the banks or building societies .
9 And throughout the journey , the question asked by that woman in the beginning anchored the emphasis of this book , it shook a fist at the ghosts over my shoulder ( because like most people I give to others the power to intimidate and censor from afar ) and it forced me to make the chronicle accountable to its subjects .
10 Presumably they pick up the pinta and down the sherry and beer as well , not to mention making it look as if the reindeers have had a go at the carrots .
11 ‘ You know , I have n't had a look at the things for a long time , ’ Müller remarked .
12 The college team spoke on Mad Dogs and Englishmen to win a place at the finals in Glasgow on April 23 .
13 Last year , Campbell Christie became the first person to take complaints over GCHQ to the tribunals , naming a section at the communications centre , K24e , as being responsible for intercepting telexes sent by trade unionists in Eastern Europe .
14 I consulted a lawyer at the Citizens Advice Bureau when I was in Norwich last Friday .
15 Former Commonwealth gold medallist swimmer Sharon Davies , who made a comeback at the Games , is also made an MBE .
16 Youths rioted for two nights on the streets of Telford in the Midlands after police marksmen shot dead Ian Gordon early on Aug. 12 ; the 24-year-old black man , who had a history of psychiatric problems , had pointed a firearm at the policemen ; two witnesses were reported to have told police that the gun was unloaded and had no firing mechanism .
17 On 16th February 1991 whilst my husband was serving in the Gulf on Operation Granby , I was invited to attend a function at the Corporals Mess ’ — in a particular regiment which , of course , I shall not mention — ’ which I did attend with some of my friends .
18 Nowadays it would be considered kinky indeed for a Catholic priest to acquire a tonsure at the hairdressers — or to parade around in soutane and biretta .
19 Jan Orchard takes a look at the models on the market and explains how a dishwasher can save you money as well as time
20 His first experience in magic had been to give a show at the Miners Welfare hall at the age of 11 .
21 Council tenants and people on the waiting list were encouraged to consider buying a house at The Elms , and nine have been bought by council nominees .
22 By now it was the rush hour and he was squeezed into the corner of a carriage by a family of Swedish tourists who talked loudly and without vowels and continuously trafficked maps and guidebooks across him , so there was no chance of getting a look at the diaries or the few folded sheets of paper that were wedged between them .
23 ‘ Would you care to hazard a guess at the contents ? ’
24 However , I think I 'd better take a peep at the excavations .
25 While the Secretary of State is looking at that , however , will he also take a look at the idiots who race through these roadworks ?
26 But you can take a look at the instructions ; if you select the Reveal Codes menu option , the screen splits in two , with the formatting codes revealed in the lower screen .
27 It was Diane who proposed that they should go over and take a look at the labs where Jenner had worked and Reynolds agreed , more than a little relieved that they were returning to the main subject ; he was made uncomfortable by Diane 's self revelation and the way in which it had begun to erode his easy preconceptions of her and her ‘ type ’ .
28 Let's take a look at the changes the Trusts , under N H S Trusts , staff can adapt their services more easily to suit the needs of local people .
29 Why do n't you hop up on to the examination couch and I 'll just take a quick listen to baby 's heart and take your blood pressure , then afterwards I 'm sure Sister will be only too happy to show you around our labour ward and let you take a look at the facilities we have available .
30 For the moment let us take a look at the fortunes of the professionals , mostly unsung and unremembered , who played cricket or football for pay .
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