Example sentences of "[verb] and i [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Neither therapy was enjoyed and I listened to the catalogue of side effects like a reporter who had just pierced the darkest Amazonian forest and was observing a new race for the first time .
2 and er , it was gone eleven I would of thought , anyway he stopped and I slept like a log , got up at twenty past six , but erm , it 's a strange thing because one of those came last evening and it parked outside George 's , now I said yesterday , when Alan goes to work , it 's not long after six normally to go up to London and that
3 The shops were opening and I browsed for a while in one that sold books as well as newspapers and magazines , but I failed to find the American edition of Rodriguez 's book .
4 At least , out here , I have — I admit this with shame — I have delivered an extended breech with the nurse giving chloroform at one end and praying and me delivering at the other end and swearing , and the baby lived , the mother lived , and everything was all right .
5 and I , I mean Jimmy it was only last Friday I went down to have me hair done and I walked from the hairdressers down to Street to get the wallpaper
6 I was there when British Telecom was privatised and I warned of the grave dangers in turning public monopolies into private monopolies .
7 I had been taught not to cry till I was really hurt , and so it was not until about eleven o'clock I really began to be noticed and I went into the theatre .
8 The contractions stopped and I wondered for the hundredth time what my son would look like .
9 Bring and I chat to the r
10 The urgency of coming out was building and I felt like a firecracker about to go off .
11 I will say that Roy dealt with it , when it happened and I know at the time he , he was very very thorough over it .
12 And there he was , I went to look and I saw at the end there , a big pile of erm earth fresh earth you know .
13 I had no choice but to leave and I made for the kitchen carrying the dollar on the tray like a trophy anchored by a thumb .
14 George beckoned and I followed through a door into the heat of the rear section of the engines , the section containing among other things the boiler which provided steam to heat the whole train .
15 I have many memories of Eton : services in College Chapel , especially in winter when the lights were lit and I listened to the massed singing of a favourite hymn ; the Headmaster , Dr Alington , an Olympian figure in scarlet gown , taking " absence " on the chapel steps ; the Fourth of June , a festival peculiar to Eton , and fireworks bursting over the river ; the Field Game on winter afternoons while mist crept across the grounds ; the lamps in the High Street and crowds of boys hurrying back to their houses before " lock-up " .
16 There was only one thing for me to do and I dodged behind the Toyota .
17 Tod and I reclined on the wrung bedding as Irene advanced into the room , holding a tightly gripped paper tissue to her eyes and calling us a piece of shit .
18 ‘ But this first guitar was just a $20 acoustic , and as soon as I could I bought an Ibanez SG , then that was stolen and I went to a Les Paul .
19 I was promised that I could learn t I could be a nurse if I went and I went to the Bishop of Liverpool 's erm household in Liverpool .
20 My scope increased and I cycled round the villages in search of paragraphs .
21 Asked about the reasons for his apparent about face , Hahn said : ‘ You 're always learning and I think in the past our view was wrong .
22 I looked and I looked as the candle fought with the wax and cast a flickering light on her face , and I just could n't get over her .
23 When Eva had gone and I lay for the first time in the same house as Charlie and Eva and my father , I thought about the difference between the interesting people and the nice people .
24 Armstrong started up first go and I dialled around the local radio stations to try and catch if anyone was doing anything stupid on the roads .
25 So the weeks and months passed and I went to the local fire station once and sometimes twice a week and listened to lectures by firemen on firefighting and war organisation and what different officers wear in undress and fire uniform .
26 I managed to hold the aircraft straight for a short distance , running on the nosewheel which , luckily , had escaped damage , but as the speed came off the aircraft slewed sharply left and I came to a slithering , steaming halt about 200 metres the other side of the dyke , well off the runway .
27 His bedroom door was n't shut and I listened to the stillness inside .
28 The argument ended and I went into the shop .
29 ‘ Fortunately the traffic cleared and I got to the studio to start my show with two minutes to go . ’
30 The lights changed and I let in the clutch .
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