Example sentences of "[verb] and [vb infin] [pron] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The rest of those in the room have to try and do what the leader does as fast as possible afterwards , but without making obvious who the leader is .
2 I 'd like to try and define what the difference between and eating disorder and simply wanting to be a different shape or a different size is ?
3 When the men of the World Council of Churches in Geneva heard Arthur was at Caux they phoned him to come and tell them the truth about Rhodesia .
4 And they used to come and give us the pattern , what the butler got to lay on the table ; the tea-service would be the same pattern as the tablecloth was .
5 ‘ Yes , I wish to leave , and I want you to come and show us the place where those two corpses were found . ’
6 For after the rain came hail , to batter and crush what the water had left undamaged , and after the hail , snow , sudden freezing squalls that piled white drifts in every cranny and across every open space .
7 Erm , it it , it makes it very , very difficult to imagine how you 'll recover erm , but in the end it 's a personal decision to , to try to achieve self respect , to care for yourself better , to adopt good habits of nutrition and exercise , not dieting , cos diets are the biggest con trick of all and certainly , to rid your life of people who do n't respect and accept you the way you are .
8 If the lord abbot agrees , I hope you will stay and give us the benefit of your judgement .
9 So she would stay and see what the future brought .
10 The alarm will trigger in a central control point and the people there will either ring a neighbour to ask them to go and see what the problem is , or immediately ring the emergency services .
11 Right , I 'll get off to shop and get her the stuff what she wants , and make her her dinner .
12 These have to be married with the individual dreams of each business who , in addition to achieving the best they can ask for their business , have to perform and deliver what the board has asked of them for the company as a whole .
13 ‘ I shall have to wait and see what the situation is with Lazio before I know about England .
14 Rather than enter this fray it could be better to wait and see what the outcome of the vote is .
15 Well you 'll have to wait and see what the inspector says on the greenbelt .
16 No you 're alright , no I 'll look and see what the man 's doing .
17 And our Lord in the words that we 've read gives a very solemn answer to that question in the , in those words that we read a few moments ago and his immediate answer to the question you know are there few that be saved , was to say many , this was in the following verse , many shall not be able to be saved , now does that mean that only a few will be saved , that there 's only a few people who are gon na be in heaven that Jesus Christ came and died on the cross for about a handful of people , a small percentage does that what it , is that what it means , well lets look and see what the bible has to say , in Matthew chapter seven in verse thirteen and verse fourteen , this is what Jesus says enter by the narrow gate for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction and many of those who enter by it , for the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life , but few of those who find it any way in the same book , in , in Matthew in , in , in chapter twenty two and in , in , in verse fourteen , listen again to what it says there Jesus is speaking he says for many a called , but few are chosen
18 To vanish and give herself the chance to rebuild her life .
19 ‘ There is n't a problem between a hairdresser and his client as long as the hairdresser can listen , understand and interpret what the client is saying .
20 Since the presumption of both ‘ meaning ’ theist and ‘ meaning ’ atheist is that each can understand and criticise what the other is saying , the main arguments for and against theism can be brought out by following through the position of either .
21 You 've got to give them a very specific task to do and give them the support and the materials to do it with and make sure it happens so that when they turn up at 3 o ’ clock , it 's set up to go .
22 Show us what you want us to do and give us the strength to submit our will to yours .
23 And he said Beck and Pollitzers often hire cars he said and you know he said I thought I 'd try and get you the business .
24 Can you go and get me the key ?
25 Every time he walked that 's him come back again and every time he stopped it stopped and this happened a few times and he was very scared and he thought he had better go and see what the noise was and anything well it was just a pet sheep tangled up in its tether .
26 All you have to do is write and tell us the name and address of your favourite bar — anywhere in the country — and a case of Kulta could be sent there for you to collect or even enjoy on the premises .
27 The medium bombards and basilisks , made by John in his wisdom with trunnions , now showed the virtues of his new two-wheeled carriages , which made them easy to move and regroup whatever the weather .
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