Example sentences of "[verb] and [vb -s] [noun] [coord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The student is made aware of the band of tolerance within which his behaviour is acceptable as a match for the model-act by the reactions of an external critic ( the teacher ) who rewards and punishes sameness and difference .
2 They need information about what constitutes and causes success or failure within a particular domain , as well as strategies for detecting this at the time of the selection .
3 However , as most of you are only used to leisurely paddling for an hour or two in low drag vessels , please consider your decision carefully ; rafting is physically and mentally demanding and pushes mind and body to the limit .
4 The Eucharist is served by our Formation Day Liturgy when this expands and deepens awareness and closeness to Christ , to his Spirit and to his Way .
5 If your hair is both chemically and mechanically damaged then Redken 's Extreme Protein Treatment strengthens and adds moisture and manageability .
6 The brain is so good at filling in , that although most of the time the bulk of our image is blurred and lacks detail and colour , we do not realise it .
7 Above the obvious guitar input sits a MIDI Learn switch ; this only functions with the MIDI option fitted and allows effect and sound parameter settings to be saved .
8 The greater solubility of these new crystals leads to the formation of a material which , in humid environments , softens and fixes dust and carbon particles from the air onto the surface .
9 Reading-based standards organisation X/Open Co Ltd has picked one of Digital Equipment Corp 's key transaction processing technologies as part of its standard for distributed transaction processing : X/Open has licensed the company 's Remote Task Invocation technology , a protocol for implementing remote procedure calls developed for the Multivendor Integration Architecture consortium ; it is the basis of the Transactional Remote Procedure Call X/Open just released and unites OSI/TP and Software Foundation 's Distributed Computing Environment .
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