Example sentences of "[verb] and [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They squirmed , shrivelled and after a brief struggle , gave up the ghost .
2 Relatively ‘ self-contained ’ and cohesive social groups such as peasants and church-going Catholics , generally knowing whom to trust and with a low level of organization in the NSDAP , were now often unrestrained in their attacks .
3 In contrast , total and LDL cholesterol concentrations did appear to influence platelet sensitivity to adrenaline and to a lesser extent ADP ( Hassall et al , 1983 ) .
4 He turned now and led her towards the door , but there he stopped and in a quiet voice said , ‘ Now , do what I tell you .
5 A successor ( all Heads of Department were eligible for election ) had proved hard to find and for a brief period the chairmanship of the Course had been taken over by the Deputy Director , Brian Tonge .
6 In the same patient haemoperitoneum and haemothorax occurred and in a further patient a large subcutaneous haematoma was seen .
7 The vocational training in engineering and technological skills which young people receive in West Germany is more thorough , better organised and of a higher standard , the young people receive in this country .
8 Food is a particular highlight — always beautifully presented and with a huge choice at every meal .
9 You would n't call it the best buildup you ever seen and after a little bit of scrappy play which Pisa failed to get the ball away , it fell inviting on the edge of the area , and he struck it with all the confidence and aplomb a a player who 's been planting 'em in the back of the net all season .
10 Samantha woke and for a split second imagined she was still at home , still free to stretch and rise and walk and wash , still at liberty to heed her instincts and indulge her whims .
11 In fact the unlawfulness of indiscriminate attacks was generally accepted and to a great extent maintained : although London , Coventry , Hamburg and Dresden were bombed , Paris , Rome , Oxford and Edinburgh were not .
12 George did a lot of things to keep Lennie well fed and in a happy mood .
13 Nevertheless , the SPG still exists , albeit reorganized and with a new name ( the Territorial Support Group ) .
14 Of the highest quality , generously made and with a wide choice of rigid baths and fittings .
15 He was wearing a homburg and his face was swarthy , thickly browed and with a thin moustache , which gave him the appearance of a continental .
16 The interference mysteriously stopped and through a clear line Frau Nordern 's voice boomed with all its usual authority , as if the ghost had miraculously become embodied with all the solidity of human flesh .
17 In 1955/6 budgets were generally overspent and by a larger margin than in earlier years .
18 This method — removing an aggressive nursery school child from play for a period of one minute — was compared by researchers with a scolding and orders not to hit and with a further method of distracting ( i.e. redirecting ) him to other play .
19 Leaves are narrow , bright green , tapering to a point at the tip , wavy or crinkled and with a bold midrib with two parallel veins on either side of it .
20 Of course , records are there to be broken and with a little luck , well , who knows ?
21 Despite a rising demand for operations , the latest analysis of the waiting list shows that more people are being treated and at a faster rate than ever before .
22 From where will recovery in housing come , with interest rates at their present level , with house prices still having some way to fall and with a huge overhang of unsold houses ?
23 ‘ Dalglish is the first ex-Liverpool manager to return to Anfield in over 70yearsscharge of a new Dalglish 's decision to abandon the club in the run-in to the 1990-91 season still rankles with many around Merseyside , but Souness insists that should not affect the warmth of his reception , saying : ‘ Kenny should be remembered as the greatest player this club has had and as a successful manager .
24 The first compared face-to-face interviewing both with telephone interviewing and with a mixed-mode approach .
25 Then he , too , turned and without a backward glance went out into the passage , slamming the door .
26 Just then the shape turned and with a fierce cry attacked Mr Rochester violently .
27 Lizzie turned and in a low voice said to Peggy , ‘ They get their money easy , the ones who write that stuff . ’
28 I see it fantastically in the pages of books I read and in a true sense I see life through the leaves of the willow tree .
29 ‘ It needs money spending on it all the time to keep it going and in a fair state of maintenance .
30 And , since most of your readers will be women , you should also describe the clothes other characters wear and to a lesser extent the rooms in which they meet each other .
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