Example sentences of "[verb] and [verb] [prep] she for " in BNC.

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1 For a while Elaine was cared for by young volunteers who used to come and stay with her for a few months at a time .
2 I said that I think you 'll find , Ron that Trudy if she married would have to give up her late husband 's occupational widow 's pension so that the way you 're going on now , where you go and stay with her for two or three days at a time is far better oh no , no , no , she 'll be able to keep her pension I said I very much doubt it then I said people are so jealous that if she does marry you and he does n't tell the firm I bet that one of her dear neighbours will oh no they 're all very nice people round where she lives , I thought there 's no good arguing with Ron !
3 He stood and looked at her for a moment longer , his eyes running over her scathingly , taking in the beautiful , angry face , the wide and annoyed grey eyes and the tall , slender figure concealed in such efficient garments .
4 He stood and looked at her for a moment , hands on hips , jaw set .
5 Topaz found herself praying to a God to whom she did n't quite believe that Andrew would agree and stay with her for a while .
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