Example sentences of "[verb] and [verb] [pron] as a " in BNC.

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1 Her advice is to try and treat it as a normal meal .
2 His players respected and loved him as a result .
3 The merit of this , as we have seen , is that we are led to examine the ways in which this ‘ objective ’ economic class comes to persist and reproduce itself as a self-consciously ‘ lived ’ social entity .
4 He both expected and accepted it as a matter of course .
5 If , a week ago , someone had told her it might happen to her she would have laughed and treated it as a huge joke .
6 For the England team , on whose success depends not only the financial viability of the counties themselves , but also the capacity of the game to attract young people to play and watch it as a part of their heritage , the preparation for Test cricket provided by the present hotch-potch is clearly unsatisfactory .
7 They seem to play a larger role in the arbitration of proper action , and this appears to be the case , first , because they like and respect them as a consequence of the way they themselves are treated , and second , because of their instrumental value .
8 Design a template for each type of document that you produce and save it as a separate file — even if it is only your name and address and other information about the page layout and design .
9 Erm We thought we should try and do something as a kaleidoscope .
10 A joint press release states — ‘ A major new joint initiative from the two world governing bodies has been formulated , promoted by the recognition that bowls needs a marketing arm to properly develop and promote it as a major sport worldwide .
11 Cecilia did not dislike Jarvis , she did not dislike anybody , but she feared and distrusted him as a bachelor with no regular job , no real income and a home which she was convinced would be sold to the property developers .
12 The Earl of Salisbury , director of government intelligence ( and chief minister of the realm ) , infiltrated and masterminded it as a timely and much-needed device to make permanent the rule of the same monarch and régime .
13 As a source of power , it can only be claimed and used if others recognise and accept it as a source of power .
14 It may be less important to examine the " lowest common denominator " of linguistic usage throughout a work than to study style as a dynamic phenomenon : as something which develops through peaks and valleys of dramatic tension , which not only establishes expectancies , but which frustrates and modifies them as a work progresses .
15 We will have destroyed some of our roots , burnt the family photographs for want of a tiny sum to buy the site compulsorily , block the drains which are drying it out , excavate it with a greater delicacy than the present JCBs can offer and restore it as a regenerating wetland of immense cultural significance .
16 THE woman juror whose looks prompted a man to wolf-whistle at her in court yesterday said she was secretly flattered and took it as a compliment .
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