Example sentences of "[verb] and [verb] [pron] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 There 'd been yet another cancelled lesson only today and Ronni was feeling even angrier and edgier than ever as , just after lunchtime , she made her way down the garden towards the villa 's private little jetty , a corner she had n't explored before , to try and calm herself with a breath of air .
2 They are then invited to try and throw them in a basket one at a time without looking at the value .
3 . The other ideal , which I have n't got round to doing would be to try and appoint somebody on a short term basis .
4 Her advice is to try and treat it as a normal meal .
5 and take an extra dose at night to try and get you into a sleep so we can get you back into sleeping rather than up prowling about during the night , cos it does no good at all .
6 If we 'd just attacked they 'd have killed you immediately , so I thought it best to try and get you to a safer distance before anything happened . ’
7 The head had asked the educational psychologist to come and assess him with a view to producing a formal Statement of Special Educational Needs .
8 At a push , you could use a disk editor , such as the one included with Norton Utilities , to recover files — just hunt down the file you want and copy it to a new file .
9 He ‘ made ’ this year 's Grand National winner , according to trainer Nick Gaselee , teaching the equine giant , nicknamed the Monster Muncher , how to jump and handle himself in a race .
10 After I turned the engine off and opened the door , I found my legs had turned to blancmange and moulded themselves into a sitting position .
11 I find an old plastic carrier bag , tip out the few bits of string and wire it contains and replace them with a handful of rusty bolts from the biscuit tin .
12 According to Antony the Devil came to tempt and torture him in a variety of fantastical forms from lascivious women to wild beasts .
13 She stopped and halted him with a hand on his arm .
14 She stopped and drew me behind a screen of goldenrod , tangled and wild like a neglected hedgerow .
15 His players respected and loved him as a result .
16 The merit of this , as we have seen , is that we are led to examine the ways in which this ‘ objective ’ economic class comes to persist and reproduce itself as a self-consciously ‘ lived ’ social entity .
17 The fish were duly caught and placed one to a box , and taken to my friends home , to await their final packaging for the journey to England .
18 I would like to invite members to stand and join me in a few moments silence in memory of Doctor .
19 This role will involve further service development of the factory deep cleaning service with the aim of promoting and selling it on a nationwide basis .
20 He began with her eyes , capturing and holding her with a laser-like stare that probed deep into her brain .
21 Easy-E says representatives of Sony intimidated and threatened him during a meeting in 1991 at the SOLAR Records office in Hollywood .
22 Deep as a well , and for all his strength and prowess — for he could hold his own with any boy of his age , afoot or on horseback , when he chose — looking and bearing himself like a clerk , and sometimes even like a clerk in orders .
23 Whereas in management I take the raw clay of inexperience , then shape and mould it into a team of teapots , Vic had an old-fashioned approach , plucking players with natural ability and building them into a cohesive unit but where no player 's unique , individual flair was stifled .
24 And suddenly he dragged her struggling against him , and clamped her there while his hard mouth sought and found hers in a violent kiss , forcing her lips apart , his hand holding the back of her head like a vice while she kicked and hit and struggled .
25 Gordon Macpherson 's Prosen , a long arch of sound , eerie music from distant mountains with the instruments imitating and overlapping in echo effect , taught the ear to listen and prepared us for a fresh hearing of Tchaikovsky 's Souvenir de Florence , ravishing but not cloying , spinning to a close in the exacting fugue which made the composer laugh when he first played it .
26 The sergeant followed him in and found him smoking and put him on a discipline charge — idling his time .
27 There the bailiffs pushed and shoved me through a porticoed entrance , down a long , dark , musty passageway into the main well of the court , fastening me to the bar ; beyond it sat the three magistrates before a square table ringed by clerks .
28 He was supported by a most devoted wife who looked after him for many years until , late in his life , he rejected and abandoned her for a younger woman .
29 What they added was a sense of grandeur — they took blues licks and put them on a epic scale .
30 What they added was a sense of grandeur — they took blues licks and put them on a epic scale .
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