Example sentences of "[verb] of [art] [noun pl] ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What do you think of the miners ' strike ? was my first ever searching enquiry .
2 When one caller transgresses this line of demarcation , asking the presenter Dolores what she thinks of a terrorists ' kidnapping , she replies ‘ That would be a little outside the scope of this programme Charlie , there 'll be experts commenting again in the morning to tell you what to think of it , why do n't you talk to me about yourself … ’ ( 80 ) .
3 Maria Morgan , editor of the Guinness Book 's literary section , says of the publishers ' advertisement : ‘ The trouble is that as yet we do n't have a category for most widely read author .
4 Molla Fenari and Seyh Bedreddin shared a devotion to the thought of Ibn al-Arabi , and it may well be that even if Molla Fenari thoroughly disapproved of the rebels ' activities he was compromised in the eyes of many by those shared beliefs .
5 This was a formidable catalogue of sins , but many of the ideas became generally accepted and to some extent underlay Mr Wilson 's thinking in 1963 when he talked of the Conservatives ' period in power since 1951 as ‘ thirteen wasted years ’ and promised that in the first hundred days of dynamic government after a Labour victory at the polls a new atmosphere would pervade Whitehall .
6 I confess I can not really see worm watching catching on as a mass pursuit with worm watcher clubs and organised field visits , but I did hear of an infants ' school where the worm has joined the tadpole as a creature for study .
7 The Shipman 's Tale tells of a lovers ' triangle , involving a merchant who lives at St Denis ( France ) , his wife , and a Parisian monk who was regarded as their friend : indeed the monk and the merchant call each other cousin , as both are from the same village .
8 By 1974 , however , he despaired of the Tories ' ability to stick — like his Jocks — to their guns , and lamented the failure to market their new faith in unstuffy enterprise .
9 As soon as he learned of the rebels ' withdrawal from Derby , he sent orders to Field Marshal Wade to intercept them from the west while his own army set off in pursuit from the south .
10 Duncan Paterson , Scotland 's manager , spoke of the players ' appreciation of such backing .
11 I asked children to think of a witches ' stew and this is what they suggested to put on a sign on the wall :
12 The first Phoenix King had time to think of the daemons ' taunts .
13 Moreover , the Council itself was widely regarded as dangerously left-wing , dominated not just by teachers , but by teachers acceptable to the furthest left of the teachers ' unions , the NUT ( itself then containing large proportion of primary school teachers , without university connections ) .
14 In a no account is taken of the animals ' life styles .
15 In a recent editorial The Australian Financial Review , the national daily newspaper , said of the pilots ' dispute : ‘ Relentless rhetoric , cynical misinformation and myopic stubbornness have coalesced to provide such a poisonous setting to the dispute that any compromise will be presented as defeat .
16 Lawrence Weaver , whose work as an author had contributed much to Lutyens 's recognition as an architect , wrote of the Dolls ' House in 1924 that ‘ The planning of a strictly symmetrical house like this is one of the shrewdest tasks that can be set an architect . ’
17 In addition to independence , both teachers and public , and teachers in particular , will want to be assured of the inspectors ' ability so that they can trust the judgements made .
18 We now have a system whereby the park authority not only learns of the farmers ' proposals in advance but also invariably ‘ approves ’ the proposals .
19 This backlash has meant many dog owners having to confine their pets to their own gardens for exercise and toilet use which , of course , leads to the problem of how to dispose of the dogs ' faeces .
20 Efforts were made to keep the communities informed of the studies ' purposes , and of any new developments , through meetings open to all community members , and by announcements at market places .
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