Example sentences of "[verb] to have [noun pl] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( 4.4 ) , of 100 Hz can be expected to have dips in the torque/speed characteristics at 100 , 50 , 33 , 25 , 20 , … steps per second .
2 The study is expected to have implications for the design of information systems , for the targets that are set to evaluate investment decisions and for finding ways of correctly assessing risk .
3 Both seemed to have difficulties with the stage , and slipped and tripped here and there , but they were so magnificent that nobody minded in the least .
4 For the first time the Lord Chancellor has now agreed to have representations from the Bar about membership of the Court of Appeal , Heads of Divisions and Lords of Appeal in Ordinary .
5 But I should n't like to have animals inside the house … . ’
6 Ovaries from aborted human fetuses have been shown to have cells in the pachytene stage during weeks 16–23 of gestation ( 25 ) .
7 Ah You 've got to have eyes in the back of your head here I 'm telling ya .
8 ‘ You 've got to have thongs for the beach .
9 At one time only a few selected diseases were thought to have links with the sufferer 's state of mind , but now it is recognized that a whole range — from cancer to heart attack — may be brought on by worry and strain .
10 cos X. Now you say , Oh okay , maybe er Now do n't forget you 're integrating so you 're going to have problems with the sine .
11 But because they refused for one reason or another to dis you know to have talks with the press or television or the ministers , whoever , I think they they burnt their boats .
12 Some bankers , however , are beginning to have doubts about the way he bulldozes through his business aims .
13 Even Peregrine was beginning to have qualms about the outcome .
14 That 's when I began to have doubts about the company .
15 Most of them were so seedy he began to have doubts about the efficacy of his chosen sport .
16 Lyonnais des Eaux already owns the two big statutory water companies in Northumbrian 's region and is bound to have ambitions for the region as a whole .
17 They 've even been known to have words in the piazza . ’
18 ‘ When they told me what it was , I thought I was going to have to have injections for the rest of my life . ’
19 He would , he says , much prefer to have hands on the business , rather than be sitting behind a desk .
20 You will have noted that the Computer Support Officer has resigned , and , until a replacement is appointed , we will continue to have problems with the fault logging and consumable requisition systems .
21 Or , to take it further , had he begun to have hopes for the remainder of the night , and so taken this means to get rid of the other man ?
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