Example sentences of "[verb] to have [art] same [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore the resulting " socialist man " seemed to have the same needs as his capitalist counterpart for material goods , especially those based on energy and materially intensive technologies .
2 An old and enduring model of sexual difference , developed most powerfully and resiliently by Galen in the second century AD , had stressed the homologous nature of male and female reproductive organs ; women were said to have the same genitals as men , only inside rather than outside .
3 Seeing as you only like bands who seem to have the same attitudes as you , I 'm sure you will be pleased to know there is a band called Guns N' Roses who have this same attitude .
4 Apart from conviction each new voice of authority appears to have the same weight as the one we believe , and every moment of unreality calls in question the reality of all past experience .
5 This geometric model ( a geometrically constructed system which seems to have the same properties as the Lorenz equations though the connection depends on several global properties of the flow which have not yet been proved ) has an attracting set , for a range of parameter values , which is a strange attractor , but which is a slightly different strange attractor at every parameter value in the range ( see below ) .
6 What Mr Birchall noticed was that a diet lacking in silicon seems to have the same effect as one rich in aluminium .
7 I refused to believe that he chanced to have the same name as the previous tenants of the cottage — unless he himself was the previous tenant , and had for some reason returned to Moila without wanting to be known ?
8 English dancers do n't seem to have the same enthusiasm as Americans .
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