Example sentences of "[noun] often [verb] to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Experienced advisers never respond to this question , but the unrepresented applicant often responds to the question with bizarre unsupportable allegations of bias and corruption by the employer which are sometimes seized on by the tribunal to the prejudice of the applicant .
2 The motor industry often goes to the expense of building a completely new factory site to ensure that the manufacturing capability does match their requirements exactly .
3 There are obvious analogies to the immune system , including the fact that these proteins can be induced and that there are extremes of individual variability often related to the presence of polymorphisms that can lead on occasion to hypersusceptibility to the effects of environmentally derived agents .
4 Effective small talk often runs to a formula .
5 These countries often agree to the Japanese forming joint ventures with local companies .
6 Greta Ross often came to the beach to swim , but Mr Ross never came .
7 Processes along continental-margin subduction zones often lead to the formation of massive granite batholiths which play an important part in orogenesis .
8 Critics of this process of commercialization often pointed to the way that it made journalists less concerned with ‘ the old style of principled journalism ’ .
9 Psychologists often refer to a list of generally used defences : repression , denial , displacement , splitting , projection and reaction formation are the most commonly used .
10 Although the procedures for obtaining and defending such writs often worked to the advantage of the church courts , prohibitions nevertheless constituted a serious threat to ecclesiastical jurisdiction .
11 Landsat images are scanned on a line-by-line basis , and this line-scanning process often leads to the production of horizontal striping effects on the resulting image .
12 Lenders often refer to the need for ‘ audited accounts ’ when referring to the affairs of unincorporated businesses .
13 The stress caused to the fish often leads to a multipathogen infection and death .
14 WRITERS often come to the problem of dialogue in fear and trembling .
15 The game , called Rave , involves buying counters called 'E 's — a name often given to the drug ecstasy .
16 It is worth remembering that luck often comes to the aid of the experimenter .
17 Now at Thorsbury she and Victoria often rode to the fields to watch the men labouring and when it was clear that the work of leading and stacking the corn would soon be at an end , she kept the child entranced with stories of the Harvest Suppers of her youth .
18 The possibilities opened up are exceptionally exciting and realisable provided certain strange notions of academic freedom ( in this case often amounting to a student fishing desperately around for an ‘ original ’ and totally useless subject like the history of his old school ) , can be avoided .
19 Maria often read to the others from the newspaper , and asked me questions about it .
20 Bodies often float to the surface , but you of all people must know that those who drown in the Thames can disappear altogether and are probably taken by undercurrents down through London and out to sea . ’
21 Right Some of the commoner types of fern-like foliage from the Carboniferous Such foliage often belongs to the seed ferns , rather than the true ferns
22 College staff often contribute to the management of local enterprise agencies , to small business clubs and sit on the committees of Chambers of Commerce .
23 Rosa often went to the washplace with Sabina to help her and she was glad that she could pull her blue cotton dress out of the basket and slosh it into the water before anyone else could examine it for stains ; not that the stain spoke openly of its origins ; it could easily have been milk , thought Rosa .
24 This art was continued by his son Thomas until 1826 , the scenes often relating to a description or incident in the book chosen for decoration .
25 In all parts of the country Wesleyan Methodism had become the chief alternative to the Established Church and in purely agricultural regions religious differences often amounted to a choice between either the Church of England or Wesleyan and Primitive Methodism .
26 The same thing often happens to a manufacturer when he believes he can buy the public 's good opinion of him .
27 There is also the tendency when comparing the past with the present to draw too sharp a distinction between ‘ then and now ’ , a tendency often linked to a view of the present as either vastly superior or inferior to the past .
28 Bishops who themselves were , or had been , royal clerks often commended to the king 's service their own clerks and servants , and equally often found benefices for royal king 's clerks .
29 Secondly , adjustment of the aminoglycoside regimen during treatment often leads to the course being prolonged unnecessarily and diverts attention from the selection of suitable alternatives ( cases 2 and 3 ) .
30 Students often object to the expense of textbooks , but remember that all your friends will be trying to borrow the best textbooks from the college library .
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