Example sentences of "[noun] made at [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I have a streak of economy in me , even when contemplating how to épater les bourgeois , and recipes that make their sauce out of a stock made at an earlier stage tend to appeal most .
2 As Personal Assistant to John Watson , prepare a report reviewing Palatine Ales ' position following the successful conclusion of the takeover battle , evaluating the proposals made at the last Board meeting , and submitting your recommendations regarding future policy .
3 I would prefer , at the risk of offending the purists , to take a robust attitude , and simply say that it is a decision made at a particular time in response to a particular situation against a particular political background , and is poor material on which to build any general proposition .
4 As he knows , the decision made at an earlier stage not to complete the slip road was considered to be ludicrous .
5 The new title ‘ Officer Board ’ , replacing ‘ Consultative and Advisory Council ’ was a decision made at the Special Delegate Meeting in March .
6 Interestingly the clinical diagnosis of colonic carcinoma made at the first attendance was correct in four of five cases and incorrect in nine of 88 cases suggesting that clinical features are of help in this diagnosis .
7 But in an announcement made at the High Court in London it 's agreed to pay compensation on the basis of 85 percent liability .
8 In a linked announcement made at the same time the company unveiled a low-end addition to its 6611 multi-protocol router family — designed to tackle the burgeoning and lucrative branch-office market .
9 It was William Beveridge who hailed a revolution in public administration : ‘ We have … under the stress of war , made practical discoveries in the art of government almost comparable to the immense discoveries made at the same time in the art of flying ’ .
10 Local leaders attributed it to a request made at the Russian Congress of People 's Deputies by the Chair of South Ossetia 's Supreme Soviet , Torez Kolumbegov , for the autonomous region in Georgia to be reintegrated in the Russian Federation [ for January referendum in favour of reintegration see pp. 38731-32 ] .
11 Perhaps because in future we will have a unified Budget , with tax and spending announcements made at the same time , Mr Lamont chose to look further ahead than the 1993–94 financial year .
12 A follow-up meeting in December of that year acted upon suggestions made at the earlier gathering , and aimed to ‘ set up opportunities for women to explore new approaches to theatre-making that more profoundly reflect their own experience rather than that of men ’ .
13 Profit made at the Annual Reunion £1000+
14 Get a good quality recording made at a professional studio , but it is fairly costly .
15 Upper Halling had its own ice cream made at the Black Boy by Jesse Crowhurst and Ernie Pankhurst , this would be made at weekends then loaded on to a hand card and pushed either up to Red Kill or to Birling Bank , where they would sell approx. 5–6 gallons on a Sunday .
16 The coup was declared illegal by the government and its allies , among them France , the French officer responsible for presidential security declaring the coup unlawful in a statement made at the main square in Moroni , the capital .
17 This result was particularly striking when junctions were considered individually and it became clear that this relationship was at least partly independent of the amount of time spent at the junction , number of vehicles seen and the judgment of estimated risk made at the same time .
18 If the right hon. Gentleman would only himself address the causes of crime , he would realise that they would certainly not be solved by the suggestion made at the Labour party press conference this morning — that we should empty our prisons to pay for more police .
19 The court can , for example , make a residence order that will last until the final hearing but the usual time limits will apply to any interim supervision order made at the same time .
20 This activity continued despite the threat made at the Economic Community of West African States ( ECOWAS ) summit in July to blockade NPFL territory if Taylor did not implement the terms of the Yamoussoukro IV peace agreement by the end of August [ see p. 38993 ] .
21 It is important to note that if the pledge that the Labour party made at the last election had been carried through , dramatically less money would have been spent on health , for the reasons that my hon. Friend gave .
22 SIMON Coyte has questioned parish objections made at a recent planning meeting to externally illuminated fascia signs .
23 Stamp duty was payable only on the consideration for the acquisition of a partly developed site and not , in addition , on the purchaser 's payments to the developer for completing the construction under a separate development agreement made at the same time as the sale agreement .
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