Example sentences of "[noun] where [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The City Code is concerned with takeover and merger transactions , however effected , of all relevant companies ; these include partial offers , offers by a parent company for shares in its subsidiary and certain other transactions where control of a company ( as defined in the Code ) is to be obtained or consolidated .
2 Younger men sometimes criss-crossed the frontiers of Carolingian regna : middle-age brought a tendency to settle down in the regnum where closeness to the king ( modern German historians have coined the useful term Königsnähe ) had brought greatest rewards .
3 The affinity of each repressor mutant was estimated by serial twofold dilution of the cell extracts across the range where retardation of the DNA fragments was observed .
4 He felt that such a clause would be unreasonable , since the ship was likely to break down in circumstances where return to the yard would be impracticable .
5 Past a certain point where ownership of the method or idea is registered and institution/company interests safe-guarded , the ideas are tested in the wider scientific world , using seminars , contacts etc .
6 The floor was a continuous mosaic of eight-sided tiles , the corridor walls were angled to give the corridors eight sides if the walls and ceilings were counted and , in those places where part of the masonry had fallen in , Twoflower noticed that even the stones themselves had eight sides .
7 The third area was a recently completed opencast coal site at Lasswade Road where mining to a depth of 20 metres had taken place .
8 The great stations stand , if they do still stand , as towering monuments to that belief , public meeting-places where faith in the perfectibility of man by his own ingenuity and the blessing of a divine providence was daily affirmed .
9 The concepts of mind over matter to overcome problems , and the reverse process where fear of an illness can produce that illness , illustrate the part such mental factors can play .
10 Firemen were called to the Manor Park Clinic pensioner 's home in Hartlepool on Saturday night where rubbish in a waste bin was alight .
11 The party leadership in Scotland has dismissed that on the grounds that those MPs who are associated with Scotland United represent constituencies where action against the carrying of knives would have the greatest effect .
12 If Europe does not go forward , it will start to go back — back to a Europe given to confrontation and not co-operation , back to a Europe where Germany exploits its economic power and its position as broker between east and west , and back to a Europe where instability in the east is matched by impotence and indecision in the west .
13 This is in sharp contrast to Britain where progress up the hierarchy of the party is very much a process of starting at the bottom and working up , first to a seat in Parliament and then , possibly , to ministerial office .
14 In a society where service to the state was a paramount requirement , the close association of political parties with wealthy financiers and industrialists was a serious liability .
15 ‘ Suddenly we had a situation where money for the studio was no object : we could take as long as we liked .
16 Having reached a situation where healthcare in the form of surgery , physiotherapy or whatever is needed , they are unable to take advantage of the treatment available .
17 For instance , Milton Friedman gives examples of economies where expansion of the money supply has been followed by inflation .
18 The main tunnel portal is inland at Holywell where part of the tunnel spoil will be offloaded for use in the construction of the Cheriton terminal .
19 Careful consideration should be given before using the expert procedure in a contract where enforcement of the decision abroad might be necessary .
20 In a case where liability at the outset looks to be difficult or where there are many unanswered questions , a personal visit will be almost always essential .
21 In any other case where authorisation by the Law Society is sought , the MNP should apply to the Financial Services Section for an investment business certificate — a fee is payable .
22 The stock editor system reached a point in some authorities where work on the stock was turned over almost entirely to the ‘ specialist ’ officer , and librarians at service points were denied any real voice in stock provision .
23 Next they went into the main building where part of the reprocessing cycle took place .
24 Part II of the Administration of Justice Act 1969 introduced the procedure universally known as the ‘ leap-frog ’ procedure to deal with those cases where determination by the Court of Appeal might not be the most effective way of disposing of the case .
25 Mr. Secretary Newton , supported by the Prime Minister , the Chancellor of the Exchequer , Mr. Secretary Heseltine , Mr. Secretary Brooke , Mr. Secretary Hunt , Mr. Secretary Lilley , Mr. Secretary Lang , Mr. Nicholas Scott and Miss Ann Widdecombe , presented a Bill to make provision for requiring , in certain cases where interest on a loan secured on land is payable by a person who is entitled , or whose partner , former partner or qualifying associate is entitled , to income support , the applicable amount in respect of which includes a sum in respect of that interest , that a part of the benefits to which any of those persons is entitled under the enactments relating to social security shall be paid directly to the lender and applied towards the discharge of the liability in respect of the interest ; and for purposes connected therewith : And the same was read the First time ; and ordered to be read a Second time tomorrow and to be printed .
26 But at the outbreak of the French revolution there were still capitals where life for a diplomat was uncomfortable and unattractive .
27 Spencer Stuart is the only firm which has , so far , achieved the full transition to a structure where control of the business and the appointment of its management is genuinely in the hands of its consultants .
28 We are long past the stage where talk about the curriculum could be left to the academics ; beyond the stage where the views of the professions and the wider society had to be sought .
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